birthmark on
birthmarks & blemishes
birthmarks & blemishes
birthmark (?) that looks exactly like a hickey. On her right neck area.
Laser treatment of birthmark on neck. M590/020 Rights Managed
Laser treatment of birthmark on neck. M590/020 Rights Managed
Some fade as baby grows, but patches on the back of the neck usually don't
My beautiful birthmark on my neck
Thts a birth mark on mi neck btw
this type of birthmark is often located on a person's neck or face.
head or neck. Most disappear by puberty. A combination of cavernous and
Andres has a birthmark on the back of his neck.
a hickey on her neck birth mark
neck tattoo nor a birthmark.
Birthmarks can be hard to live with when they appear on the face, neck or
I love her heart-shaped birthmark on her neck. I love it when she sleeps.”
These birthmarks are fairly common and can appear on the face and neck or on
Her daddy has the same birthmark on his neck too.
Raised Mole On Neck image. 16 posts - 13 authors - Last post: 27 Mar 2007It

BIRTHMARK: Back of neck, along hairline. PIERCED ears