Sunday, May 22, 2011

arteries in neck and head

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  • borgonuovo
    Apr 25, 05:00 AM
    How many people here would change their mind if the white one was released with upgraded specs (A5 chip)? I'll probably end up getting one for my wife because she's wanted one since launch.

    I AGREE- JUST NEED SLIGHTLY BETTER ANTENNA & SPECS (64gb? Or, even better, A5) - and we are foolish buyers again!!!

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  • sidefx
    Feb 4, 08:49 PM
    ok i resized it to post on here. enjoy

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  • Lynxpro
    Nov 20, 01:27 PM
    If it comes in the tired "Nokia" candybar design, I won't be purchasing it. I absolutely detest candybar designs because I've never had decent reception from any of the models I've had (whether by Nokia or SonyEricsson, for example) regardless of GSM or CDMA support. It wasn't until I acquired my current Motorola RAZR (with T-Mobile) that I've had better reception than what I used to have with the analog Motorola cell phones from the early 90s with CellularOne.

    So unless its a flip phone, The Lynxpro ain't a goin' to buy it. But if Apple makes it like a RAZR but with more iTunes/iCal/iSync/iChat capabilities and a 3 megapixel camera, I'll buy one.

    While I don't use the SideKick, I think it would be in Apple's best interest to buy Danger and "Apple up" the design. The SideKick is very popular, and it would also help Apple if they were to acquire the company and switch the SideKick's browser over to Safari since the existing Danger browser does account for 1% to 2% of all net surfing currently, and Safari could use an easy increase in usage if for no other reason to prompt various holdout websites to make their designs more standards compliant and reduce the Microsoft lock-in.

    I also think Apple should bring out their own branded flash media (which would complement the iPhone or a Danger SideKick acquisition). Its time they started bringing the hurt to SanDisk's native market, and they could do that simply by bundling some free iTunes downloads with the flash products.

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  • macdon401
    Dec 14, 04:49 PM
    Hi again...I am getting no audio on any websites or Windows Media Player!
    Sound on iTunes is fine, have downloaded some Quicktime movie trailers and they seem fine?? Please help....!!
    Thank you

    iMac 20 " G5 1.8 768 Ram

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  • njl
    Oct 9, 03:36 PM
    i just sold out and bought it, too. :D

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  • spaceballl
    Jun 18, 11:12 AM

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  • anjaki
    Aug 22, 07:26 AM
    Just thought I'd throw this last one together.

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  • G5Unit
    Apr 5, 08:36 PM
    Man, I never look at the finer detials

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  • Solafaa
    Nov 1, 08:51 AM
    DVD Ripper, Acquisition, SafariSorter, VLC and LimeWire

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  • gobes
    Dec 13, 07:50 PM (
    Pic taken at Glastonbury Festival this year.

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  • igucl
    Dec 8, 04:23 PM
    Mine as of today.

    InterfaceLift link:

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  • Kenrik
    Mar 2, 08:26 AM
    Will the Snow Leopard Mac Mini Unlimited Server install disk/key work on other hardware? I have a Mac Mini Server and a Mac Pro and I wanted to know if in the future I wanted to migrate the server to the pro that the disk would install on the pro or if it is limited to the mini?

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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 20, 04:40 PM
    Android will be on more things by the end of the year. iOS is restricted to apple products. But we are already seeing the creativity that people are using android for. Being that it is open source and easy to modify and write on we have many things. Android now powers eReaders, TVs, Video games, and even a microwave

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  • Xavier
    Aug 8, 09:50 PM
    My desktop:

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  • GDief
    Apr 3, 12:35 PM
    Has anyone experienced Windows 7 while on bootcamp making the computer run real hot. I'm not talking just a little warm either. What up with this and can I do anything about it.

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  • Weaselboy
    Apr 30, 09:06 AM
    Google Shopper (

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  • old-wiz
    Feb 15, 03:31 PM
    You can buy them from Apple support for a small fee.

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  • 666sheep
    Apr 26, 04:11 PM
    well here is the damage.

    I cant get the old paste off the gpu as its baked on hard!

    Top left corner of GPU looks burnt to me. Maybe it's bad picture quality, but if it's burnt really (what makes it DOA), it may explain why thermal paste is baked on.

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  • Renshawboy
    Feb 19, 08:22 PM
    Hi. (

    Apr 11, 10:44 AM
    I'll admit, I lost it when I saw the VLC icon.

    Oh, if only I had this wallpaper back when I went through my phase where everything had to be green...

    Anyway, my wallpapers:

    OS X ( - still using a G5... / Windows 7 ( - frequently irritates me to the point where I want to use Arch and XP on this thing.

    Mar 15, 11:56 PM
    there are certain cases where the death penalty should be applied... There's just no reason for some people to be alive after what they've done.

    No, you are mistaken. What you are talking about here is called "retribution", which is not what justice is supposed to be about. There is more evidence to suggest that the death penalty makes things worse for everyone than when it is not employed. One major example of this might be Canada, which has quite a lot of guns, no capital punishment, and is generally a safer place to be (though I cannot vouch for iJohnHenry's neighborhood ;)).

    Nov 29, 11:58 AM
    If Apple stands firm, and iTunes continues to make money for Disney, I don't see why they wouldn't want to add revenue. Those who are going to download and pirate still will off of DVD's or other download services once their DRM is cracked, they might as well get the money from those who are willing to pay.

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 19, 01:05 PM
    Harmed them financially, not physically. Not death penalty worthy. Again, i support the death penalty only for the most heinous of crimes. It should be used sparingly.

    The military can execute a criminal for rape or desertion. Treason is also a capital offense. None of these things involve killing a person, and desertion and treason might not involve any physical harm at all.

    At any rate, you're still being very selective in your arguments. In the OP I laid out a series of reasons why the death penalty should be abandoned, and have only addressed one or two of them, and unconvincingly at that. Additionally, you have failed to make a convincing argument why life imprisonment without parole is not a sufficient punishment for the worst crimes.

    Nov 1, 01:04 PM
    i don't want to ruin everyones excitement, but straight from iLounge ( - New iPod shuffle arrives; old earphones, weak clip? ( :( :(
    I really hope the weak clip issue is just because it is a shuffle from an early batch. Would anyone who already has a new shuffle like to comment?

    My clip feels just fine.

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