Monday, May 16, 2011

jackie kennedy death

jackie kennedy death. katie holmes jackie kennedy 27
  • katie holmes jackie kennedy 27

  • YS2003
    Nov 26, 11:41 AM
    I hope this rumor is true. If Apple is going to bring out the Tablet Mac, I would be buying one as long as it is a fully functional computer. I like my Fujitsu Tablet PC; but, it is still Windows-based PC. If Apple is going to market this, I guess their tablet Mac would be a very slick unit. I think non-tablet PC users are quick to dismiss the tablet format without knowing and experiencing it themselves. Fujitsu, Lenovo, Electrovaya, Motion Computer and a few others make a very light weight tablets. I don't like ones from Gateway and Toshiba as their units are way too heavy and chunky (and ugly looking to boot).

    jackie kennedy death. Jackie Kennedy (center) was
  • Jackie Kennedy (center) was

  • rdowns
    Apr 14, 09:44 AM
    Long and very interesting article on taxes. Very good read. (

    As millions of Americans prepare to file their annual taxes, they do so in an environment of media-perpetuated tax myths. Here are a few points about taxes and the economy that you may not know, to consider as you prepare to file your taxes. (All figures are inflation-adjusted.)

    The Internal Revenue Service issues an annual report on the 400 highest income-tax payers. In 1961, there were 398 taxpayers who made $1 million or more, so I compared their income tax burdens from that year to 2007.

    Despite skyrocketing incomes, the federal tax burden on the richest 400 has been slashed, thanks to a variety of loopholes, allowable deductions and other tools. The actual share of their income paid in taxes, according to the IRS, is 16.6 percent. Adding payroll taxes barely nudges that number.

    Compare that to the vast majority of Americans, whose share of their income going to federal taxes increased from 13.1 percent in 1961 to 22.5 percent in 2007.

    (By the way, during seven of the eight George W. Bush years, the IRS report on the top 400 taxpayers was labeled a state secret, a policy that the Obama administration overturned almost instantly after his inauguration.)

    A corporate tax rate that is too low actually destroys jobs. That�s because a higher tax rate encourages businesses (who don�t want to pay taxes) to keep the profits in the business and reinvest, rather than pull them out as profits and have to pay high taxes.

    The 2004 American Jobs Creation Act, which passed with bipartisan support, allowed more than 800 companies to bring profits that were untaxed but overseas back to the United States. Instead of paying the usual 35 percent tax, the companies paid just 5.25 percent.

    The companies said bringing the money home��repatriating� it, they called it�would mean lots of jobs. Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican, put the figure at 660,000 new jobs.

    Pfizer, the drug company, was the biggest beneficiary. It brought home $37 billion, saving $11 billion in taxes. Almost immediately it started firing people. Since the law took effect, Pfizer has let 40,000 workers go. In all, it appears that at least 100,000 jobs were destroyed.

    jackie kennedy death. to Star as Jackie Kennedy
  • to Star as Jackie Kennedy

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 21, 02:52 PM
    I do agree that the new Pro towers need a much more proper launch while the other lines can just get a shiny new Core 2 Duo logo on their site and an update to Apple's Intel page.

    Your copy pasta didn't work completely.

    wow, most importantly on slide 3 they say that they launched the 965 chipset. that means they can switch to the 965 integrated GPU across the board for consumer macs. that would certainly help the heat issues, make the macs cheaper and less complicated to design for apple. standard parts and boards allow for even faster updates. good news.

    jackie kennedy death. jackie kennedy wedding ring.
  • jackie kennedy wedding ring.

  • Eduardo1971
    Mar 29, 10:09 AM
    Okay, nice, guys. This is MacRumors, not AmazonRumors. Who gives a crap about Amazon? Move along now.

    Please look up the word myopic. You sound like a classic example.

    jackie kennedy death. Jacqueline Kennedy leans over
  • Jacqueline Kennedy leans over

  • wclyffe
    Jan 24, 02:37 PM
    Ok, so for what it's worth here are my thoughts in using the Magellan Car Kit for a few days. I'll cut to the chase by telling you I'm sending it back. My big complaints are the bluetooth speakerphone is terrible with the volume being so low during phone calls that you have to turn it all the way up, but that's still not high enough. Then when you get Nav directions you have to turn it way down. The mic is very poor and I made about 15-20 calls during, and not during, the Nav software running. The 3.5mm input to connect your stereo system also plays the small bluetooth speaker on the kit at the same time....that is ridiculous, as its a tiny speaker and you cannot drive it like you can your car speakers, plus it does not sound great playing music through it. The good things were in my earlier post...the ability to pop your phone in with the case on, rock solid and better detent positions than the TomTom that do not slip, the Nav chip seems to locate very quickly, and the Nav directions through the speaker are loud and clear. I guess I'm back to waiting for someone to do this right!

    jackie kennedy death. Jackie Kennedy shoots her
  • Jackie Kennedy shoots her

  • Eldiablojoe
    May 4, 01:38 PM
    I would suggest that we always move forward. I think going backwards is only something worth considering IF am adventurer sustains significant injury and we had JUST left a room w an unused healing potion / talisman / chingas. Why give mscriv the opportunity to seed traps behind us?

    jackie kennedy death. Jacqueline Kennedy and
  • Jacqueline Kennedy and

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 05:25 PM
    I deem thyself dead forthwith.

    yeah, yeah, you always say that, but then when all your hocus-pocus frizzles, and it comes to save your skinny buttock from a mountain troll once again, what are you going to trust: the rabbits dropping out of that sorry hat of yours, or my axe?
    i thought so.

    jackie kennedy death. Jacqueline Kennedy still
  • Jacqueline Kennedy still

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 10, 09:12 AM
    It's obvious. The answer is ALWAYS 42.

    As for the math, the equation is ambiguous. Another set of parentheses would help.

    I love your first answer.

    Still disagree with the second part, though..

    jackie kennedy death. by Jacqueline Kennedy to
  • by Jacqueline Kennedy to

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 25, 09:04 AM
    Maybe you could shed some light on this for me before I switch to a Droid. They don't track me.

    LOL at Android users naive enough to think their "free" OS, funded by targeted advertising, isn't collecting user data.

    jackie kennedy death. shows Jacqueline Kennedy#39;s
  • shows Jacqueline Kennedy#39;s

  • toujames
    Apr 21, 11:22 PM
    Steve: "Introducing, the new iRack!" :D

    jackie kennedy death. Jackie Kennedy Quotes
  • Jackie Kennedy Quotes

  • thankins
    Mar 30, 06:19 PM
    what's this redeem code? i have applied the minor update via Software Update, but nothing happened?

    You need to install an update from Software Update first. Then Restart. Then go to the Dev Center and get a redeem code. Then go to the Mac App Store, redeem a and download.

    jackie kennedy death. Jackie Kennedy biopic to
  • Jackie Kennedy biopic to

  • Snowcat001
    May 7, 12:47 PM
    I'd get it if it were free!!

    gmail is free... so why can't mobile me?

    Now I start thinking about it, I've never paid Google a single cent, but I use
    *Google search engine
    *Google maps
    *Google Earth
    (*And I used Picasa for a short period of time)

    Maybe some orther stuff but the point is... its all free!:)

    jackie kennedy death. Jackie Kennedy campaigning
  • Jackie Kennedy campaigning

  • Stella
    Nov 23, 09:05 AM
    A friend of mine heard from someone who works at Rim that they and Apple are working on a phone! If I thoght that this news would do anything to Apple or Rim stock, I would not be telling you. I already own Apple and cannot see Rim's advancing any more than a few points on the news.

    My future wife's ( who I don't know yet ) cat said Apple would be buying a stake in Symbian and slapping an OSX like interface theme on it.

    Oh, that would be so good, if they did - using the #1 Smartphone OS in the world.

    jackie kennedy death. jackie kennedy suit blood
  • jackie kennedy suit blood

  • gnasher729
    Apr 25, 09:50 AM
    +1. My IP is being logged right now most likely. No matter where you go, using any communication device, you can be tracked. If you're that paranoid, get off the grid. Every phone company tracks your location. This for iPhone users is just a log of it on your phone.

    I do agree, however, that the consolidated.db file should at least be encrypted if it is to remain on the device. Now any good crook knows all they need is your iphone to find out when best to rob you.

    What is actually tracked is not _your_ location, it is the location of WiFi basestations around the country. Which Google, Apple, and Skyhook use for their "poor man's GPS" that allows a device with WiFi but without working GPS to find its location. Skyhook started this by having cars drive round the country, recording the position of WiFi devices. Google and Apple, having the infrastructure, use a more efficient method to do this - instead of driving cars throught the country, they use people's iPhones or Android phones to collect the same data. Note they are not collecting _your_ data, they are collecting the data of WiFi base stations that you happen to pass with your iPhone.

    The database file is most likely there so your phone knows which information it has already sent, so it doesn't send info about the same basestation twice. That should be easily checkable - is the database full with hundreds of copies of your home location or not? Does it have dozens of copies of locations along your way to work? I think each location is recorded only once, so a crook stealing the phone would know places where I have been, but not how often I go where. So they would have very little clue where to find me.

    And the whole scenario seems very unlikely. It would be very, very rare that a specific person is robbed intentionally. That robber will most likely come to your home without having any idea who lives there, or wait in a dark alleyway and rob the next person to come along, not stealing your phone in order to find other information about you and rob you again. It is just a hypothetical danger that is not actually going to happen.

    But what actually does happen and worries me (well, I'm not worried, but some people should be), is that apparently it is possible to access Google's database. There is a website where you can enter the MAC address of your router, and it will find its location. It found mine within about 100 meters. That might make it possible to find people who don't want to be found. So anyone who moves to escape a stalker, or goes into witness protection, they better not take their router with them to the new home.

    jackie kennedy death. jackie kennedy fashion
  • jackie kennedy fashion

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 03:29 PM
    That has nothing to due with quality. It's due to low manufacturing costs.

    And in many cases making software or services requires more brainpower and sophistication than making a physical product. Japan has yet to produce a world-class software company outside of video games.

    So this "American products are low quality" argument just doesn't hold water any way you look at it.

    What I'd like to see are some concrete examples of poor quality products that were made in America. I hear a lot of people stating that we make subpar products, but I haven't heard any examples.

    I'm not defending either position, just want someone to present some evidence.

    I don't think the Chrysler argument will hold up anymore seeing as how most automobiles have a foreign influence on them, so let's stray from automobiles on this one.

    jackie kennedy death. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • munkery
    Dec 25, 01:21 PM
    If mac users don't use av software, there's little motivation for anyone to supply it. If NO ONE is working on av software, then in the eventuality that we do need it, we're all starting from scratch. That's just never a good place to be if you can with minimal effort prevent it.

    It's kind of like getting your flu shot in a year when the flu isn't supposed to be particularly bad. I seldom get the flu, but I go ahead and get the shot every year anyway because if no one does, there's little motivation for pharma companies to develop future flu shots. Which means in the really bad flu years, there's a shortage because only one company is making the shot.

    Flu vaccines are very much like AV software for Mac. They both rely on fear, uncertainty, and doubt. H1N1 killed fewer people per year than the more typical strain of flu but the marketing hype made big business a lot of money.

    jackie kennedy death. Did Jacqueline Kennedy murder
  • Did Jacqueline Kennedy murder

  • kxbcvoi
    Mar 27, 10:03 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPad 3 not in 2011 for 3 reasons
    1. iPad 2 still do not reach other countries.
    2. Software update will make iPad 2 new during half cycle.
    3. Jobs said "2011 is the year of iPad 2".

    jackie kennedy death. Jackie Kennedy Death A review
  • Jackie Kennedy Death A review

  • dXTC
    Mar 29, 01:47 PM
    In 5-10 years the iPod will become extinct. By then the touch will be hanging on a thin wire.

    Lemme guess... it'll all be in the cloud, right?

    jackie kennedy death. Jackie Kennedy Onassis in
  • Jackie Kennedy Onassis in

  • stockscalper
    Apr 25, 09:36 AM
    Where was all the uproar when Dick Cheney and company was reading your emails and tapping into your phone conversations? Nobody raised an eyebrow about that. When that was made public the Fox News/Wallstreet Journal response was "well unless you're doing something illegal you don't have anything to worry about." The government is still doing it by the way. Apple, on the other hand is not tracking anybody's movements and the Wallstreet Journal and their like minded ilk are having a cow. In the words of GW Bush, "they're nothing but a bunch of hypocrizers."

    Aug 4, 10:20 AM Apple going to be changing to new chips every six months now? Nice to see technology moving along at a rapid pace, but for those people who always need the latest and greatest...This is gonna get REAL expensive!:p

    How many people plan to dump their Core Duo Macs for Core 2 Duo Macs? I like my iMac and it really is fast, heck my iMac G5 was plenty fast, but I hate being behind everyone when new things come out and it gets too expensive to keep up with Apple...well not in the PowerPC days...but now it does!

    Aug 7, 02:24 PM
    Just checked the Intel July price list: Prices per Woodcrest processor are $851, $690 and $316 for one chip running at 3.0, 2.66 or 2.0 GHz, that is $1702, $1380 and $632 for two processors.

    Somehow I suspect that Apple pays different prices, because you save $300 if you go down to 2 GHz and you pay $800 extra for 3.0 GHz. Should be the other way round according to the Intel price list. So the 2.66 GHz is a real bargain compared to the others.

    If you subtract the processors from the price, then you pay $1597, $1119 and $1567 for the three models.

    It's likely that Apple get a discount off all Intel products. The Dual-dual 2.66 GHz + X1900 XT seems like the sweet spot for me :)

    As a sidenote, it appears the PM G5 and XServe G5 are still available on the Apple Store.

    Apr 23, 05:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    Yeah. Barely fits on my screen and i have a 24" inch imac.

    it would be sick to have a 30" retina ACD. /dream

    Yeah a 1024 x 1024 icon is amazing considering I would bet a significant amount of 1024 x 768 monitors are still being used. Imagine not being able to view an icon in its entirety on a five-year-old monitor!

    Aug 11, 10:00 AM
    I don't think it is a bad idea for Apple to put Merom in the MacBooks for this reason...

    Apple is being more directly compared to Dell and such these days since they are running Intel chips. And the PC makers are going to put those processors in their computers as soon as they can. If Apple doesn't want to look like they are behind in the times, they have to put these processors in also.

    It makes for a little smaller of a gap between the consumer and pro (remember there is still the video card holding steady) but I think overall it will be better because we will get the updates sooner rather than later...

    In all reality however, I don't actually know.

    Carry on...

    Jul 29, 09:09 PM
    I don't doubt that Apple is possibly working on something like this, but would a professional photographer (who probably is paid very well while working for Apple) really risk future jobs as well as lawsuits (NDA is surely in effect) just to brag to his friend about a new cell phone he saw? :confused:

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