Wednesday, May 11, 2011

lara logan egypt

lara logan egypt. Lara Logan arrives at The 33rd
  • Lara Logan arrives at The 33rd

  • LordJohnWhorfin
    Nov 22, 02:57 AM
    There's absolutely no reason for concern. It's not like Palm has any market share left to worry about.

    lara logan egypt. Lara Logan, Chief Foreign
  • Lara Logan, Chief Foreign

  • iphoneIA
    Mar 28, 09:52 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

    I have to agree with this one. I have a two year contract and seeing a new iPhone would tempt my wallet.

    lara logan egypt. LARA LOGAN RAPED - Egypt is
  • LARA LOGAN RAPED - Egypt is

  • lilo777
    Apr 26, 04:36 PM
    Is anybody truly surprised by this? Droid phones are on almost every single carrier and come in every price point (including free). There is essentially one iPhone that comes at a premium price. Its like figuring out that there are far more chevy's on the road than Mercedes. Not a surprise at all.

    It would be nice to see the numbers broken out by phone and carrier costs. Those would be meaningful market share numbers.

    Why would you use car analogy here? Obviously the better one is about Windows/Macs. And the end result is not so good for Macs - a niche OS with 4% of worldwide market share and lack of support from many major providers.

    lara logan egypt. Lara Logan Photo
  • Lara Logan Photo

  • Chundles
    Sep 10, 11:06 PM
    I can't get to excited about this, it will take me 10 hours to download 2GB :eek:

    10 hours? Luxury. I dream of being able to download 2GB in 10 hours.

    It'll take me over 4 days.

    lara logan egypt. Lara Logan
  • Lara Logan

  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:57 AM
    Have you seen the size of the heat sink in the Mac Pro? ;)Why yes. :D

    lara logan egypt. Lara Logan is scheduled to
  • Lara Logan is scheduled to

  • kirk26
    Aug 3, 12:00 PM
    It's not scientific at all. No way in hell is it scientific. I should know, I'm a scientist, got a degree and everything.

    I'm keeping this for my quote. Classic!

    lara logan egypt. Lara Logan, CBS chief foreign
  • Lara Logan, CBS chief foreign

  • teme
    Aug 7, 03:45 PM
    2. What applications do you need that a Mac Mini Core Duo can't handle? Oh, games? Why in the sweet baby Jesus' name are you on MACrumors if you're a gamer? Apple cedes your kind to Dellienware. Go. Shoo. Leave the grownups alone.

    Here's other point of view: I want to use OSX in everyday use (Safari, Mail, iTunes, graphic design, Dreamweaver etc... and OSX overall). But sometimes I want to play games too, and it's awesome that nowadays it's possible to boot into Windows and play games there and then boot back into OSX. Are you saying that Apple should totally forget all users who would like to use OSX but occasionally play games on Windows, and let them buy PCs? Most of the gamers do not use their computer ONLY to play games. Consumer tower would be good for Apple to get new switchers and get more marketshare.

    lara logan egypt. Lara Logan is currently
  • Lara Logan is currently

  • Beaverfish
    May 6, 03:46 AM
    Does anyone think that this could possibly be about having OS X running on ARM..... i.e OS X iPads etc. With the type of convergence we are seeing in Lion, it is only a matter of time before iOS and OS X become one and the same.

    lara logan egypt. heart, Lara
  • heart, Lara

  • gnasher729
    Aug 7, 02:23 PM
    Just checked the Intel July price list: Prices per Woodcrest processor are $851, $690 and $316 for one chip running at 3.0, 2.66 or 2.0 GHz, that is $1702, $1380 and $632 for two processors.

    Somehow I suspect that Apple pays different prices, because you save $300 if you go down to 2 GHz and you pay $800 extra for 3.0 GHz. Should be the other way round according to the Intel price list. So the 2.66 GHz is a real bargain compared to the others.

    If you subtract the processors from the price, then you pay $1597, $1119 and $1567 for the three models.

    lara logan egypt. Lara+logan+attack+footage
  • Lara+logan+attack+footage

  • Bonte
    Nov 22, 07:03 AM
    Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

    iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.

    If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.

    lara logan egypt. REFILE-CBS reporter Lara Logan
  • REFILE-CBS reporter Lara Logan

  • ender land
    Apr 10, 08:17 AM

    There is implied multiplication between the 2 and the (9+3) term, meaning the equation effectively looks like


    This is quite obviously 288.

    I agree too this is a stupid question, it's akin to asking someone verbally "what does 'their' mean?" because the choice of "their" vs "they're" is not clear.

    If there was a space, such that it said

    48/ 2*(9+3)

    then I could see an argument for it being 2, but as it stands, there is no reason you should ever find this equation to be equal to 2.

    lara logan egypt. CBS News#39; Lara Logan Sexually
  • CBS News#39; Lara Logan Sexually

  • KindredMAC
    Aug 7, 09:35 PM
    You can get third party 1GB sticks for about $200 each. No point in wasting slots with more 512 sticks. You can run fine with 1GB out of the box. It will be plenty fast. I would also dumb down the HD to 160 and save another $75 which is what you can buy a 250 for IN ADDITION TO THE 160 you will get - even 400GB/300 SATA for only about $99 - $129.

    I recommend base MINUS $75 HD DOWN to 160GB plus maybe ADD Bluetooth for $29 and perhaps ADD a second video card if you have three or four monitors for $150 more and that's IT.

    $2603 List Retail or $2393 Educational Plus Tax.

    That's less than I paid for this Refurbed G5 Quad - such a deal. ;)

    RAM and HDs from third parties. Airport can be done later if you don't need it now.
    I'd watch that last sentence... Airport was NOT an option you could add on LATER with the PowerMac G5's. Are you sure about that statement?

    lara logan egypt. lara-logan-assault.jpg
  • lara-logan-assault.jpg

  • koruki
    May 6, 02:17 AM
    ROFL this one made my friday

    lara logan egypt. lara logan egypt attack,
  • lara logan egypt attack,

  • rickster2k
    Mar 31, 02:54 AM
    So if the final preview is at WWDC, when do you imagine we'll get the release? If if was like Snow Leopard it will be towards the end of August.

    Thinking of getting a new MBP this year so does anyone know the the timeframe is for the up-to-date program?

    lara logan egypt. lara logan affair,
  • lara logan affair,

  • solvs
    Jul 22, 02:33 AM
    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.
    I was surprised that my iMac was as good as it was at doing Pro stuff, and it's a lowly G5. Just buy lots of RAM. Especially while you wait for Adobe to update to UBs.

    lara logan egypt. PHOTO: The Lara Logan revealed
  • PHOTO: The Lara Logan revealed

  • JesterJJZ
    Apr 21, 07:33 PM
    I need:
    8 Internal Bays.
    More PCIe Slots.
    Keep Dual Optical Bays.
    More Ram Slots.
    Built in Fibre Channel (This is a stretch)
    That should be a MacPro. What you guys want is that magic headless iMac. I want more, not less.
    Working in Video I need the most horsepower possible. 32 Cores would be nice.

    At home I can live with my iMac, but editing on it is a pain. A MiniMacPro might work there, but it will still cost 2k and people will bitch.
    For work I can justify spending $8,000 on a high powered PRO machine.

    What he said...

    lara logan egypt. Lara Logan: #39;No Doubt In My
  • Lara Logan: #39;No Doubt In My

  • -aggie-
    May 4, 07:50 PM
    Anon proceed forthwith lest I transmute DP to a small rat.

    lara logan egypt. lara logan 60 minues Lara
  • lara logan 60 minues Lara

  • dbit
    Sep 16, 02:45 PM
    Quick question,

    Is it possible to order online and pick up in a specified store when available?

    This would be the most convinient way for me to purchase when the new MBP's come out.

    lara logan egypt. Reporter Lara Logan, reporting
  • Reporter Lara Logan, reporting

  • Bonte
    Aug 7, 05:39 PM
    Are these specific Mac GPU's with Mac roms or can we finally use a selection of PC GPU's? If so then the base GPU isn't an issue, just use it for the second screen.
    what will happen if I use bootcamp and put in a PC grafic card?

    Interesting, if we get Windows to work with PC GPU cards then Apple has no other option than to support these cards also or at least try to. If these are normal PC cards then the MacPro wil be the coolest machine on earth in the hard core gaming community. :cool:

    Apr 20, 06:21 AM
    iPhone 4S

    iPhone 3GS = 3rd iPhone
    iPhone 4S = 5th iPhone.

    Anyone still debating a "processor upgrade" isn't much of an upgrade grossly mistakes the upgrade the 3GS was over the 3G and that the 3G was over the original.

    The 3GS basically shares the same internals as an iPhone 4, aside from RAM. Comestic upgrades are not any bigger than spec upgrades. And iPhone 4S would still be the 5th iPhone and thus the "iPhone 5" monicker is appropriate.

    May 7, 09:33 AM
    I would be shocked... but you never know. Maybe they will offer it for free if you purchase a Mac.

    Aug 3, 11:40 PM
    MBP Merom anyone? Appleinsider has always been this may happen. This WWDC is gonna be great!

    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.

    May 4, 03:39 PM
    What I don't understand is even if it's distributed through the Mac App Store, does Apple expect us to burn it on dvd or make a bootable usb?

    I don't know if every mac user will even be able to do that, this may work for those looking to upgrade, but a fresh install will require dvd/usb..

    There's no reason Apple couldn't make creating a bootable recovery disk as easy as the installation itself. Make it a menu item in the install software, then ask the user to insert the blank disk.

    So will this mean waiting in long lines and trying to beat scalpers?

    For something that's also available as a download? Extremely unlikely.

    what makes you think that you can copy it to a USB drive or disc? I have disc for Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard. None of those disc can be copied, some of them can only be used on their original machine (or the exact model). the past 3 OSes can't be copied, and so far there's nothing to suggest we can just make backup copies of Lion.

    The new version will be a download as opposed to the previous releases on disk. That's what makes me think it can be copied to other disks. And you probably can copy any of the previous OS install disks, I'm not sure why you assume it's impossible.

    Apr 5, 03:09 PM
    Yeah, I wouldn't be on these forums, I'd have a life, a job, and a smile.

    If only... :(

    Same here man , same here:(

    It could be worse though, we could be the "ex jock who wasnt good enough to play professionally so he got a business degree at a community college and works as a Best Buy Manager". I choose Geekdom...Always a silver lining my friend :)

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