Monday, May 16, 2011

new york times front page

new york times front page. the new york times front page.
  • the new york times front page.

  • EternalTL2k3
    Jul 30, 03:11 PM
    one of my favorite phones back in the day were those small nokias which had one of the best menus I have tried. Currently I have the sony T616 which has a decent menu system but not great. I've tried the motorola ones and am not impressed at all which is why I stay away from the SLVR and RAZR. Hopefully the iphone or whatever it will be called will look great, have a great menu system, and play at least 1GB of songs --- thats just my wishlist

    new york times front page. New York Times front page
  • New York Times front page

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 02:48 PM
    It's no assumption at all that Apple's getting into the advertising game. They announced iAd loud and clear as part of the iPhone's new OS. Your assuming these ads won't make it into any thing other than apps and I'm saying you're mistaken.

    Why would they limit a massive profit opportunity and a chance to deliver a huge financial blow to their new arch enemy? They wouldn't. Google's laid the groundwork for how these free services work. Apple's may just put their spin on it.

    I do think that a paid, ad free version would exist. They'll continue their current service uninterrupted. But to offer it free, well, "Ain't nothin' free, baby." They'll generate revenue off it with their new ad system. It wouldn't make any sense not to. It's just the world in which we live.

    I'll admit the money is there but Apple skews conservative and I believe what they say when they state that iAds are an option for developers seeking to deliver free or low cost iPhone/iPad apps. I don't get the feeling that Apple wants to extend iAds everywhere. Putting adds in MobileMe doesn't grant them much IMO. The play for free MobileMe will start and end with iLife and iPhone/iPod/iPad/App Store

    Is the size of Apple's NC Data Center overkill for just delivering MobileMe services? Or is that the type of facility they would need to bring it in-house with current subscribers?

    It's the type of facility that makes me believe that Apple will be rolling out a whole lot more of Cloud services. At 500k ft^2 it's bigger than many of Google's datacenters and it's 5x larger than Apple's Cali datacenter. Apple's plans for the Cloud are big.

    Eh... iDisk is stored locally then synced in the background. When you work on your iDisk files you edit the local file on HD which is then synced to the cloud. Sorry mate but I guess you fall into category of people who don't understand the fundamental difference between iDisk and Drop Box. iDisk file transfer speed is dead slow and Drop Box is fast...

    Only if you choose to "sync" your data in the preferences as was stated before in this thread so in fact iDisk out of the box does "not" work like Drop Box. I think WebDAV may be a speed culprit as well but if anyone knows of a blazing fast WebDAV service chime in.

    new york times front page. A 2009 frontpage of quot;The New
  • A 2009 frontpage of quot;The New

  • mrdice87
    Sep 16, 10:47 AM

    Why is there no 12" mbp? It seems the 12" pb was a great seller...

    new york times front page. New York Times.
  • New York Times.

  • corywoolf
    Nov 22, 09:22 AM
    i think they would be cutting their profits to a certain age group of potential buyers

    I completely disagree. Apple would reach a larger audience with a candy-bar style phone that is sub $250. If they can just release an inexpensive version and a souped up version shortly after, they could really kill Palm.

    new york times front page. The New York Times has a great
  • The New York Times has a great

  • daneoni
    Jul 21, 09:41 PM
    now if apple can build a laptop that won't give me a first degree burn we're in business :cool:

    As well as one that won't gimme a headache nor react with my body (

    new york times front page. new york times front page.
  • new york times front page.

  • cav23j
    Mar 26, 10:47 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.

    that would be your fault for not reading reports

    new york times front page. the new york times front page.
  • the new york times front page.

  • XForge
    Aug 4, 01:45 PM
    Who voted negative????? You want it slower, eh? Give the man a G3! No, a 601!
    They can have my 500MHz G3 iBook, I'm nearly done with it.

    Ah, to be able to view movie trailers again.... siiigghhhh....

    new york times front page. The New York Times front page
  • The New York Times front page

  • tjb1013
    Mar 29, 11:17 AM
    This looks good to me. My pain point is syncing my 120GB or so of music with a hard drive that I have at my office. I don't need to stream music from the cloud, but that's nice.

    We'll soon have USB-sized drives that hold that much data. I'll probably hold out for some kind of one-time cost like that. Even now the drives that hold this stuff are about wallet sized, so it's just a matter of bringing it home once in a while and syncing it up. The price point is great, but not something I want to pay yet.

    I use AWS for some Web servers and it has been a fantastic service. I agree with the poster above that this paves the way for Amazon to be the defacto content supplier on Android devices. Not a bad place to be.

    new york times front page. Index of
  • Index of

  • bretm
    May 4, 05:27 PM
    i intend to get mine on a disc rather then a download.

    Ah. I intend to get mine much faster than you. AND burn a disc for backup.

    new york times front page. New York Times. Front page
  • New York Times. Front page

  • w_parietti22
    Jul 30, 01:16 AM
    Please dont call it an "iPhone" that is so... no. if it was called iPhone I dont think that I would buy it. if it was MacPhone Pro or something like that than maybe... ;). No but please dont name it either of those. Come up with something new and original.

    new york times front page. The New York Times front page
  • The New York Times front page

  • JaimeChinook
    Dec 9, 12:26 AM
    OK, I've had it on my MBP for about 3 weeks and I've noticed the spinning beach ball a lot more than I remember... no crashes though.

    I've just taken it off; or at least tried to. I used AppDelete and it took off everything except the icon on my top bar. When I click on the icon, it says there are updates available... dooooh...

    new york times front page. New York Times, front page,
  • New York Times, front page,

  • notabadname
    Apr 26, 02:47 PM
    Apple isn't forced to allow iOS only on their own devices.

    Besides, Apple is doing the same thing with OS X, it's made for Macs only, and people have always been comparing their sales against Windows.

    Seems to me you're just bitter about it.

    No bitterness. Simply a background in statistics and their relevance. This one is not relevant. Apple is not a software company really. It is a hardware company that creates software for its hardware. It has never tried to offer it's software as an install option on other hardware, and in-fact has challenged installation of it's software on PC's. You can either be intelligent enough to recognize and compare runners in the same race or you can't. Apple is not in the race to install its OS on any hardware other than its own. It is pretty naive to benchmark a "runner" in a race in which it is not running. If you would measure your personal performance against people not competing against you, would say that is a valid measure? I am a pilot, and to say I am a better pilot than my neighbor (not a pilot) would be a pretty empty and laughable bragging point for me to make.

    We don't hear much argument on here about how many more phones Apple sells than Google, because Google does not sell a phone (anymore). So why is it anymore valid to compare how many installs of the iOS there are across global hardware as compared to Android, when Apple provides its iOS to ZERO hardware manufacturers, and Android provides it to all takers. Again, to benchmark the "winner" of a competition, both runners need to be in the race.

    new york times front page. front-page New York Times
  • front-page New York Times

  • Blakeco123
    Apr 23, 04:37 PM
    sorry just a correction the resolution isnt 3200x3200 its 3200x2000 i just checked

    new york times front page. real New York Times front page
  • real New York Times front page

  • kingtj
    Mar 28, 10:02 AM
    Apple has been repeatedly bashed for focusing too much on iOS devices, to the detriment of their core computer product line. (They took people off of working on OS X to finish fixing things on the iPad, etc. etc.)

    Now, it sounds like they're trying to bring the focus back to the Mac again for a little while, and people are complaining??

    Why would you feel a need to get a new cellphone every single year? Contracts tend to run 2 years, discouraging you from upgrading that often anyway. But regardless, all of the recent "smartphones" I've seen are built well enough so they'll easily hold up for a good 2 years of use. All of the things I'd really need to do on a mobile phone will work fine next year, just the way they work this year. Even if you're just hung up on having "the latest thing"? If Apple delays release of the iPhone 5, then the 4 remains the "latest thing" from them for a while longer.

    More to the point of the original topic though? I can definitely see why this WWDC would be a critical one, in many ways, to talk about a lot of software changes! Apparently, the Linux community is rapidly switching over their software to the "GPL3" license, which has a lot of "gotchas" in it that try to restrict what commercial businesses can do with the code. Essentially, they're trying to keep companies like Apple from benefiting from their free, open-source projects, and keep them for Linux users instead. The Apache web server is moving to a GPL3 license, for example, as is the gcc compiler and Samba.

    Apple has to start moving to alternate products for all of this core functionality and get developers up to speed on the changes, or we're in for a LOT of reduced functionality in future OS X versions.

    That's just getting complacent in my opinion, people like myself like changing phones yearly, no new iPhone means no return business, I'll try something else instead, bad move if true.

    new york times front page. the new york times front page.
  • the new york times front page.

  • Nuvi
    May 6, 03:40 AM
    And let's not forget one thing: Apple moved from 680x0 to PPC and PPC to Intel because each time, the new CPU series offered a major improvement from the previous one. Today, Intel is the biggest innovator across the board in high-end CPUs - for desktop, server and laptops. There is no one on the horizon who can meet or beat Intel.

    My thoughts exactly. Even more so, when Apple left PPC they had huge problems getting faster processors from IBM. PowerBook G5 anyone? Windows based Intel systems were crushing Mac's like crazy and Apple couldn't do anything about it. Hence, the switch to Intel. Now we have zero problems so why switch to something that makes no sense.

    new york times front page. new york times front page
  • new york times front page

  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 26, 02:38 PM
    Poor Symbian. Nobody likes you. Even "Other" is more desirable than you :(

    new york times front page. New York Times Front Page
  • New York Times Front Page

  • 0815
    Apr 5, 02:44 PM
    That's very true. But Apple (or any software, consumer electronics company) would be foolish to not close known security holes.

    Yes, new holes will be found. And Apple will try to plug those up, as well. I can't see an argument for people complaining that Apple is patching security holes.

    At least on iPhone you can apply the updates on the day they come out (well, JB versions have to wait a couple of days) ... compare this to Android and WinMobile7 where you are at the mercy of the carrier to 'enrich' the update with their 'features' which might take many weeks or month - if it ever comes.

    new york times front page. New York Times Front Page,
  • New York Times Front Page,

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 18, 05:11 PM
    LG Prada won a DESIGN award (meaning image was released) for LG Prada in Sep 2006.

    Good, so let LG sue Apple. Just one problem: the iPhone doesn't actually look like the Prada. At all.

    new york times front page. The New York Times Sells Its
  • The New York Times Sells Its

  • rhsgolfer33
    Apr 14, 04:12 PM
    I'll bet he moved on to forums where his ideas were more warmly accepted.

    On the issues of taxes ... tax me more!

    Sure, tax the rich more too.

    But every American should be chipping in to solve the issues that we're facing.

    We're in the lifeboat, and the water's rising. Everybody pick up a pail and start bailing.

    I never thought I'd see the day, but I agree with you. Everyone has to see a tax increase in order to solve the budget problems.

    The non-tax accountant part of me (the tax accountant part of me wants the tax code as complicated as humanly possible) would love it if the corporate tax code was simplified and the tax rates reduced so that corporations actually paid taxes in line with other nations - we'd still probably see more revenue even with the decreased rates because the base would be broadened and corporations would actually pay. We should probably broaden the tax base for individuals by eliminating deductions and then eliminate the Bush tax cuts for everyone (which will increase tax rates across the board, more so at the upper two brackets). I'm not opposed to adding a VAT with a low rate either.

    I'd like to see plenty of spending cuts too - stop the three wasteful and pointless wars we are fighting would be a great start, then cut defense spending. Like it or not, I think we need to acknowledge that social security needs changes - a decrease in benefits and removing the limit on payroll taxes for social security would be a good start.

    But then again, I'm a moderate (though I am generally fiscally libertarian) and I understand the urgency with which we need to eliminate our deficit and decrease our national debt. I don't have much hope for any of this happening, since neither side can seem to acknowledge that we need a combo of what they both propose.

    One thing I don't hear in the raising taxes discussion is what we should do with capital gains. That's the reason billionaires pay a paltry 15%. Almost all of their income comes from the selling of assets rather than a salary. Their money works for them, rather than the rest of us who have to work for our money. And for that, we reward them with a super low tax rate. :rolleyes:

    It's time to raise the capital gains rate and make it progressively tied to income taxes.

    I tend to agree - I have no problem giving someone who actually makes their money via salary or wages a capital gains break (it encourages investing and most of the time those gains will be from investments for retirement), but it is kind of silly that someone who derives most of their income from capital gains gets to pay at the same low rate. Possibly it could be linked to amount of income and percentage of gross income that comes from capital gains - for instance, if you are in the top income bracket and more than 50% of your gross income is from capital gains, you must include all income at the standard ordinary income rates. Of course it would have to be refined (too easy to get around right now), but it would insure that higher income individuals that make most of their money via capital gains pay appropriate taxes, while keeping most retirees and lower/middle/upper middle income people from being hit with ordinary income rates on capital gains when the a lower rate is more appropriate.

    Sep 10, 10:55 PM (

    Apple is hosting ( a media event on Tuesday, September 12th 2006 in San Francisco, CA at 10AM Pacific. The event will also be simulcast to a location in London ( where journalists have also been invited.

    The invitation to the media was entitled It's Showtime ( -- suggesting Movie-related announcements. Rumors sites had originally expected ( iMac updates during the event, but Apple surprised everyone with iMac ( and Mac mini updates ( last week.

    This leaves iPods (, a Movie Store ( and the possibility of a new streaming Media device ( for the Tuesday event.

    As usual, a number of anonymous images have been circulating claiming to represent upcoming products, but these are all considered to be fake. Other circumstantial evidence ( has been reported, but no definitive information on the event.

    As always, MacRumors will provide continuing coverage, however, access to these events have become more restricted, so please contact us ( Coverage) if you are attending.

    May 9, 10:37 AM
    Couldn't they have people use their iTunes account?

    remember not everybodys itunes account is an email address, for use with ichat etc
    when setting up a mac, I got an Apple ID(which is my itunes account) and its just a username not an email address

    Mar 26, 11:40 PM
    As long as it is solid with things that are actually NEEDED... :D

    Sep 15, 06:54 PM
    just remember everyone...

    all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!

    let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D

    if you want a completely new MBP, then i don't think u would want that to be released on next Tuesday because if they do quiet update, u won't see changes.

    Apr 21, 08:14 PM
    The Xserve was pretty much another solution too. Same hardware different form factor.

    Another solution that didn't serve as a GPGPU Render Farm.

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