Sunday, May 22, 2011

real madrid vs barcelona live 2011

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  • alvindarkness
    Apr 10, 01:21 PM
    Who said that this an equation? What is the variable that is unknown?

    2 is still winning!

    You don't need a variable for it to be an equation.

    Definition of Equation - An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions. Equations consist of the expressions that have to be equal on opposite sides of an equal sign.

    Definition of Expression - In mathematics, an expression is a finite combination of symbols that are well-formed according to the rules applicable in the context at hand. Symbols can designate values (constants), variables, operations, relations, or can constitute punctuation or other syntactic entities.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
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  • syklee26
    Sep 15, 06:54 PM
    just remember everyone...

    all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!

    let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D

    if you want a completely new MBP, then i don't think u would want that to be released on next Tuesday because if they do quiet update, u won't see changes.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 11:19 PM
    ...Sad thing, there doesn't seem to be anyone else on the horizon to fill that void when he is gone. ...

    no, but I sometimes think that Andy Rubin believes he's the next Jobs ... at least he dresses similar to Jobs:

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
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  • Ambrose Chapel
    Mar 28, 11:23 AM
    yes, the second update makes more sense, and makes it likely that the annual iPod event will include the new iPhone as well...

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  • itcheroni
    Apr 17, 04:59 PM
    Hello all, I just wanted to make another point about capital gains. Capital gains are applied to the "profits" from sale of something you bought. As I mentioned earlier about inflation, the government could choose to create money rather than impose an income tax. Everyone would keep the money the government would have taken, but that money simply won't go as far because the difference in purchasing power will appear in inflation. So, what does this have to do with capital gains? Well, if I buy a gold coin for $1000 and then sell it for $1500 a couple years later, I would be subject to a capital gains tax. But I didn't really gain anything. As gold critics often say, gold just sits there and doesn't produce anything. What has changed is the value of the dollar, which has fallen because the government has diluted the money supply. This is the reason the stock market is going up, not because the economy is improving.

    If you bought an apple on Monday (your cost basis) and, before you bite into it on Wednesday (the point at which you realize gain), the price of apples go up, should you have to pay a tax on the difference?

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
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  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 5, 09:49 AM
    Whats the normal run of events?

    3 split up segments and then one more thing

    Here is what i reckon

    1) Intel transition
    blah blah blah, it has been quick, painless developers, developers developers. Everyone has been receptive except $#%#@@! Adobe
    Intel keep giving us the chips
    today we update MBP and iMac to core 2 duo

    2)Talking about tranistion there are 2 products which haven't yet been transistioned
    PowerMac > Mac Pro
    Xserve > Xserve? Mac Serve?

    Mac Pro has 3 configs
    Best - Dual Xeon, 1GB 500GB 256X1800 $3299
    Better - Core 2 Duo 2.93ghz 1GB 500gb 256mb X1600 $2499
    Good - Core 2 Duo 2.6 1GB 250gb 256mb X1600 $1999

    Xserves - All Xeons, dah

    3) Leopard talk

    4) One more thing
    Candidates: iPhone, iPod, New Screens (may be intro'd with Mac Pro's) what ever else there could be

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Real Madrid vs Barcelona
  • Real Madrid vs Barcelona

  • Umbongo
    Apr 21, 07:02 PM
    I don't see this replacing the Mac Pro Tower. I see it as another solution within the Mac Pro family aimed at the Final Cut Pro Market where the use of several 3U Form Factor Systems would be used for Distributed Compiling/Rendering, etc.

    It would be clearly also targeted for Engineering, Medical, Bio-sciences, etc where using OpenCL and GCD in their apps would provide a huge collection of streams/cores to leverage.

    The Xserve was pretty much another solution too. Same hardware different form factor.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Watch Real Madrid Vs Barcelona
  • Watch Real Madrid Vs Barcelona

  • Tonsko
    Nov 4, 07:25 AM
    I'm looking at this. But then I'm not sure.

    [thread marker]

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Real Madrid vs Barcelona Live
  • Real Madrid vs Barcelona Live

  • Jape
    Nov 17, 02:11 PM
    I keep on looking at their real time up dates on there website, hoping to see a change.... Lol. I wonder when shipments usually come in. You would think big shipments like that come in the early morning or late at night, but who knows.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Real Madrid vs Barcelona
  • Real Madrid vs Barcelona

  • GregA
    Nov 27, 03:44 PM
    No point in what? I am stating my OWN ideas.Yes, but you're stating your OWN ideas while telling others their ideas are stupid. If you can't see how even after re-reading, then ..... c'est la vie I guess.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Real Madrid vs Barcelona Live
  • Real Madrid vs Barcelona Live

  • BornAgainMac
    Nov 22, 07:36 AM
    He is correct. "PC guys" won't be figuring this out. I am looking forward to Apple's ideas on phones and the keynote comparing it to other phones. It will bring some laughs.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Real Madrid vs Barcelona live
  • Real Madrid vs Barcelona live

  • mmoosa
    Apr 20, 06:31 AM
    Boring. I see a lot of people jump ship. :D me to wp7
    sick of those notifications, boring same ol design etc.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. watch Barcelona vs Real Madrid
  • watch Barcelona vs Real Madrid

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 10, 01:38 PM
    I must say i just found this sight through google and had to join because of this post. I am a math teacher and the correct answer is 2

    48/2(9+3) is a different equation than 48/2 * (9+3)

    using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
    we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
    second step we multiply 2(12) =24
    final step 48/24 = 2

    the people who are getting 288

    are adding (9+3) =12
    then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
    24 * 12 = 288
    I feel sorry for your students because you are teaching them incorrect things

    No matter what you do you have to make an assumption as to what "/" means. Nobody over the age of 10 should be using that notation for this exact reason.

    Therefore, assume that author wanted to use "_" but couldn't as this is a forum not suited to equation writing and work from there. I believe the logical conclusion is 288, but that is not the same as saying the answer is 288.

    umm what the hell are you talking bout. / means divide plan and simple. No assumption are being made.
    In higher level class you go dot see that - with dots above and below it in anything more than maybe text books and even then it is not that common.

    Reason for it is the / is much clearer and less likely to be interpreted another operation (subtraction) by mistake. the / is very clear.
    honestly I can not think of the last time I used something other than the / for division. I might of been in Jr high so close to 15 years ago. I know I sure as hell never used anything but the / in my upper level math class (cal and beyond)

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. real madrid vs barcelona live
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  • ZipZap
    Apr 20, 04:10 AM
    Lets see:

    Faster CPU = Shorter battery life
    iOS5 = Will work on IP4 or IP5
    Bigger Camera = So, diminshing return

    Better reception = Might be compelling

    otherwise...why would I buy an ip5?

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Barcelona v Real Madrid - La
  • Barcelona v Real Madrid - La

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Jul 30, 08:53 AM
    An iPod with phone capabilities is a both natural and necessary step for Apple. Seeing how e.g. SonyEricsson already provides cellphones with 4 Gb stored music, Apple needs to act fast.
    The interface of the iPod is brilliant, but I still believe that most people prefer one device instead of lugging around on both a cellphone and a Nano. The simple fact is that most of us have too many gadgets today; cellphone/iPod/digCam/PDA/GPS... You shouldn't need a dolly just to be able to bring all your "necessary" mobile electronic gadgets with you. Hence, including phone capabilities in the iPod is vital if Apple wants to stay in the mp3 market long term.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Date- 27th April 2011. Time- 18:45 until 20:45 (GMT) Don#39;t Forget to Watch Real Madrid vs Barcelona Live
  • Date- 27th April 2011. Time- 18:45 until 20:45 (GMT) Don#39;t Forget to Watch Real Madrid vs Barcelona Live

  • komseban
    Dec 28, 02:13 PM
    Does this mean I shouldn't bother installing Sophos for my mpb?
    So many conflicting opinions.

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • Noodlefarmer
    Apr 26, 02:39 PM
    "15.5" Vaio: 2.4Ghz Core i5, 4gb of Ram, Radeon 5470 512mb $860 Aug/2010. A mac with similar specs, and a weaker GPU would have cost me around a $1,000 extra, so I've been Apple free since Aug 2010.

    And yet you can't stay away.


    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. real madrid vs barcelona live
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  • Mike Oxard
    Mar 29, 09:24 AM
    For $1000 you would go a long way to getting a mac mini with a 1TB drive and get it hosted at macminicolo ( Send them a secod hand mini and it'd be cheaper. Not sure how nice the experience would be streaming stuff to your phone over 3G though :o

    real madrid vs barcelona live 2011. Real Madrid and Barcelona
  • Real Madrid and Barcelona

  • GQB
    Mar 28, 10:47 AM
    im the opposite, this would be devastating to me as my contract runs out June this year......

    Apr 22, 10:22 AM
    Hrm.. When I hear "Mac Pro", I think of a giant behemoth of a computer, with super internals for crazy processing power for graphics design or whatever your poison may be..

    Actually, you can get by with a mid/high level iMac now for most graphic design needs (photoshop, illustrator, etc) these days and even average video editing needs

    MacPros are really now for higher end video and 3D applications or those that really need to get their work done fast and rendered fast.

    Funny though, one of the 3D companies that works in our building actually bought high end iMacs last year and they use them for Maya and they work great they said...I think we're at a plateau for a lot of apps in what you can do with them and the latest gen processors in the iMacs, MBPros are somewhat overkill for a lot of people already.

    Mar 28, 11:50 AM
    If the wait ends with aluminum enclosure, 4" screen, and LTE I will be psyched. Wait well worth it I would think.

    May 6, 04:25 AM
    No Intel, no care.

    Apr 20, 08:07 AM
    It's not like me to pass on any Apple product upgrade but if the next iPhone is the exact same form factor and screen size with a camera upgrade, an A5 chip and 1 GB of ram, I'm passing.

    I use that money for a second iMac.

    Unless there's something in it not expected, I'll probably pass too.

    But not because I don't think the rumored upgrades would be great... just because my current iPhone4 works great and I'm assuming iOS5 will bring lots of new toys to iPhone4 and 5 customers. So why spend the money?

    However, I have yet to spend more than the original money I spent for the iPhone 1. Every upgrade for me has been free as I've been able to sell my previous phone for the $200 needed to upgrade. So, no skin off my bones.

    Apr 20, 01:33 AM
    I'd love to see a three tier release. 3gs at the budget end, iPhone 4 in the midrange and the 5 at the top end.

    Looking forward to whatever enhancements Apple bring with it.

    I don't see that happening. Apple tends to avoid complicated product lines. That is one too many options in my opinion.

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