Monday, May 23, 2011

short life quotes to live by

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  • skinniezinho
    Jan 30, 08:16 AM
    Best handling car i have ever driven.... have a 5 month old little boy though so i think its days are numbered in favour of a truck!

    what a pity :( your car is awesome!

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  • MacMan86
    Apr 21, 11:23 AM
    Once sent to Apple, it should be removed from the phone though, which is not happening right now according to reports. This is wrong. The problem isn't the feature per say, it's the persistence of this database and it's very accurate, low-resolution.

    Reports are the file isn't sent to Apple, it doesn't leave the iPhone/iTunes backup. It exists to cache the location of nearby cell towers to provide a rough location in an area with no GPS or data connection. If it wasn't persistent, it would be pointless

    This explains it very well:

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  • simie
    Nov 16, 12:50 PM,1000000968,39284700,00.htm

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  • Kranchammer
    Mar 24, 02:09 PM
    IMO both issues are insurmountable. Battery Life would be 15 mins. Sorry man, but no way in HELL could a desktop card (even a small GTX 560) fit in a MBP case...even WITHOUT HEATSINK+FAN. :eek:

    Lol, I totally agree. I was arguing against what I thought was you saying that macbook pro's could support non-mobile video cards. I misread your abbreviation MP as MBP. ;)

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 01:51 PM
    you can be certain that the price-difference is there. since merom and yonah are 1:1 compatible, why would anyone use yonah istead of merom? but since the two will be sold side-by-side, yonah obviously has some benefits that merom does not have. and that benefit is most likely price.

    I've got hard facts to back up my claim. Do you have any for yours? :)

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  • mtbdudex
    Apr 21, 11:13 AM
    Time to hide my iPhone file from the wife:rolleyes:

    Seriously......privacy issues seem all over the place in this digital is another example.

    I guess we need a law disclosing if such and such device tracks you and needs to disclose that to you clearly via a warning label/other....

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  • applefied
    Sep 8, 12:17 PM
    belkin has some, but the order pages just say "coming soon", I don't even think you can pre-order.

    Scosche has some pretty cool ones, you can pre-order now, they ship "mid September" (scroll down to see the iPod touch cases)

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  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 13, 02:07 AM
    PS i really think that apple is powerfully positioning themselves by selling final cut so cheap. Now you can justify paying more for a Mac box because the software is so much less than the competition. Brilliant if you ask me - make software cheap, sell more macs and cost kick your competition out of the market.
    Nothing really new here as this as been Apple's MO for at least a decade. All of the iApps (iMovie, iPhoto, etc.,) used to be totally free and when FCP cost $999 by itself an Avid would put you back $70,000 on the low end. Shake, LiveType, DVD Studio Pro, Color, etc., were all programs acquired by Apple and sold at a significantly lower price than what they were prior to Apple's acquisition.


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  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 09:23 PM
    ehhhhh? :confused:

    I'm thinking he doesn't like Tiger

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  • generik
    Sep 6, 05:11 PM
    Or it encourages them to look at PC alternatives. Do you have a source on mac users upgrading more often? Among the people I know it's the other way around.

    PC alternatives.. such as projectosx86

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  • bobsentell
    May 2, 05:53 PM
    Man that Windows dialog is horrible. Why is there so much info? Are the file size and image dimensions influencing whether or not I want to delete it? And the classic Windows "Yes" and "No" buttons (instead of having something useful like Cancel and Delete. If that dialog pops up, you have to squint your eyes and look all over until you see "Delete ..." in the upper left corner, then take a second to make sure "Yes" actually means "Delete". And if you want to cancel, should you hit "No" or the X in the top right?

    Man, that OS X dialog IS NOTHING like that Aero dialog.

    Well, considering the dialog box says "Are you sure you want to delete xxxx?" I think a "Yes" or "No" are the best possible choices.

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  • skellener
    Apr 12, 08:27 PM
    will final cut express get an update too? I hope to see them do something with it! Also interested what happens to FCP pricing - will it become available through the App Store at a fraction of the price? Will Motion be available separately? Guess we'll see.

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  • Short Life Quotes To Live By.

  • rdowns
    Mar 22, 01:26 PM
    So I guess I can't be in the guard or reserve...

    Not at all, provided you meet the requirements. I was merely pointing out that a Director of IT posted on a Mac forum asking how to remotely access his network.

    Based on your posts, I question if you meet the age requirements of this forum.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 05:20 PM
    Actually, you are just confused and trying to back peddle:

    You are talking DirectX version numbers(which already has nothing to do with what we're talking about and has no bearing under OS X) in relation to OpenCL when OpenCL has nothing to do with DirectX? Something doesn't add up here.

    I am not trying to back pedal, I was talking about OpenCL before, I've been talking about that and graphics for a while now.

    With respect to your objection, what does DirectX 10.1 mean in OpenCL terms? 1.0? 1.1?

    All I can see about Sandy Bridge regarding OpenCL is conflicting information. As of now, it has no true OpenCL.

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  • k8to
    Aug 31, 02:34 PM
    The worry is that in a few years interesting software applications will only come in x64 - companies will drop the fat binaries due to the expenses associated with multiple versions of the software.
    So, not only can the 64-bit chip be significantly faster when in 64-bit mode - it is more future-proof.

    Ding, ding, ding! I buy computers around once every four years, sometimes even less frequently. A "Core Duo" without EMT64 or amd64 or whatever you want to is not a four year computer. It is not good performance for money compared to merom (especially since you have to buy a whole rest of the computer to get it), and more importantly, x86-64 only apps will exist in this 4-5 year window.

    Larger companies, and general apps aren't such a big concern. They will probably be willing to supply x86 versions four years from now for all but the most demanding apps. However, independent developers working on projects making interesting niche software are less likely to want to deal with the hassle of fixing bugs on multiple architectures.

    I've actually had development tasks where a single process used over 4 gigs virtual. I've never needed to do such on my personal machine so far, but it would be pretty unsurprising to cross that boundary in the next few years. With x86-64 the task can just run all night, and swap what may. With x86, it might involve lots of workarounds, or be simply impossible. This does not appeal to me!

    short life quotes to live by. SHORT LIFE QUOTES TO LIVE BY

  • balamw
    Sep 6, 07:07 PM
    Honestly though, am I the only one who thinks they should change/add/replace iTunes and just keep it for music, and make a separate app for videos & films? The "iTunes Movie Store"? That sounds like the "Home Depot Car Dealership & Laser Tag Center".
    :p I concur. iTunes is getting too busy with Music/Audiobooks/Podcasts/TV Shows and Video already...

    As some have suggested perhaps "Showtime" refers to something like a new app...


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  • NinjaHERO
    Apr 3, 08:55 AM
    I feel like Apple could be saving some money here. Supplies are strained and there is a several week wait to get one. Do you really need more commercials right now?

    Of course they are making billions of dollars, so I am sure they know what they are doing. :D

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Sep 1, 12:15 PM
    Oh, I think disposing of the chin would be desirable and might be possible.

    Getting rid of the chin would require an external power supply like the ACDs unless you want a power supply sized blank space on the screen :p

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  • emotion
    Nov 27, 02:51 PM
    I just hope they adjust their prices while they are at it. I love the Apple monitors but they are overpriced. Go to CompUSA and you can find at least 4-5 20" wide-screen monitors from $250-$399. At $699 they are way out or touch with the rest of the market. I could see paying a $100 premium at $499 but not $300.

    Read this They still seem over priced but not so much now.

    Feb 28, 02:41 PM
    @benjayman2 : very nice setup.

    Nov 27, 01:56 PM
    i would like to see this display option.

    however, as stated, coming from DigiTimes this could just be hot air. :rolleyes:

    Mar 26, 07:55 PM
    Hugely impressive.

    Apple really does sneak into markets, first into the music market, then into phones, then into gaming. Through an initial promising but flawed product and then evolution.

    Apple evolves into the market and the market evolves around Apple (iTunes/App store).

    Sep 14, 08:56 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    I clicked on this story on the top left of the main page.

    Oct 23, 06:39 AM ( (German) ( reports that MacBook Pro upgrades could take place as early as this week. Expected updates include Core 2 Duo upgrades as has long been expected as well as larger drives, FW800, and upgraded DVD drives.

    Meanwhile, product checks ( indicate that several European hardware distributers "ran dry" of MacBook and MacBook Pro inventory several weeks ago.

    Rumors of MacBook Pro upgrades have been ongoing for weeks. The last reported rumor from comes from an iBook update prediction ( in 2004. That rumor turned out to be true (

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