Sunday, May 22, 2011

armor hero

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  • Hugh
    Mar 24, 03:52 PM
    Teachers don't teach left handed kids kids to be be right-handed anymore, do they? Why? Because it didn't work so well, it screwed a lot of kids up, and there was no reason for doing so anyway.

    And yes, I was born gay. I did not choose to be attracted to the same sex. Why do people who have no idea what they're talking about, never listen to those who are living it and do know? I could not sleep with a woman if I tried, believe me. The equipment won't work.

    And our country was NOT founded on Christianity. To say that it is, is absurd. The evidence was just shown to you.

    :::Raises left hand::: I can honestly say school messed me up. I am mostly left handed, but when it comes to writing I write with my right. I think if school didn't force me to use my right, I might be able to write with my left, like I do with every thing else.

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  • Lukeit
    Mar 31, 08:39 AM
    Set desktop picture doesn't work any longer... anyone with the same issue has a way to fix it?

    BTW: iCal is horrible... what on earth is going on in Apple's mind?

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  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 01:05 PM
    You opinion may be true of some people- not all. I did not choose to be attracted to guys. I also could never have sex with a woman. It's not physically possible for me, if you get my meaning. Stop telling other people that you know everything about them. You don't. Not everyone is the same.

    In any of my comments I never said I new anything about them. I am speculating from pure observation. I am basing everything I know off of my friends experiences and what I've heard from them and what they saw to communities and towns during there speeches. No, I don't get your meaning either. So many ways to guess that meaning that I wouldn't be right if I guessed.

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  • BC2009
    Oct 25, 05:58 AM
    Bullcrap. WTF looks through CR to read bad reports? I look in it to find the BEST performing and quality products, not the worst. I only care about the worst if it was something I was considering at which point I take a much closer look.

    I agree with you on that point -- nobody looks through CR for a bad report -- but you missed my point. If I am NOT a CR subscriber and the news comes out with some big thing CR uncovered then I am more likely to think "Wow, CR is a great publication -- I should subscribe". But if CR releases yet another glowing review of something from Honda, Apple, Toyota then I would think "I already knew that -- those are good brands".

    CR gets notoriety in the media when they uncover something on one of the brand favorites. It also helps give them credibility with the masses by going after these guys. Sometimes they are over-zealous in their efforts. Their reviewers have personal bias too and I fully believe that comes to play in their reviews. It was just over obvious in the video they released on iPhone-4. The reviewer's little attempts at humor tipped his hand. Watch the video again and ask yourself "was this an unbiased reviewer?" The answer is an obvious "No".

    The reviewers at CR make their mark by uncovering the missteps by the big-name brands. Its how they build their career. Apple is a big target for any of their reviewers (as are any automobile manufacturer when it comes to safety issues -- these are big news).

    I've never seen the 11:00 news lead with a story on "Consumer Reports says the new iPhone is the best", but they are certainly going to lead with "Consumer Reports says Apple's new phone is fundamentally flawed". The reviewers know this and they look to get the big story. They are human and their personal motivations play into what they do, just like everyone else.

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  • davester
    Oct 24, 01:03 AM
    Since when have Apple used the Optima font family for their copy? :rolleyes:

    Edit: lol ok, thought you were serious about this for a moment.

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  • Stewie
    Sep 7, 02:15 PM
    Sorry for the nasty long URL (, but this is a cache page from a google search where you can see what Amazons offerings our for their new download service.

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Mar 28, 05:24 PM
    I never said it was. You must have me confused with somebody else.

    But since you bring it up... What excites me about Apple's current products is where they could be in five years. I've been talking about it since the iPhone was introduced.

    Imagine having a device that fits in your pocket yet is powerful enough to handle most people's computing needs. I go to the office and drop it in a dock and my LCD screens light up with my environment. I then go home and again I have access to everything again by simply plugging it in. When I'm on the train I can still use it to do email and what not.

    Motorola is partially there with the Atrix but the hardware isn't quite up to the task yet. Give it five years and I think things will be really different.

    Now that doesn't mean that a pocket device will replace every PC, console and server out there. It just represents shift in general usage. While I see this as feasible in the next few years I don't see a major migration away from desktops for at least a decade. This is due more to social constraints rather than technological.

    More back on the original subject:

    So what's to stop somebody making a $20 game pad for iOS? The iPad takes input from the controller and displays info on dual screens.

    Or even a controller that an iPhone or iPod slides into to allow use of the accelerometers in addition to the buttons.

    I don't see iOS ever replacing the consoles just like PCs didn't destroy that market. I can see a lot of overlap in the markets.

    Even so, the number of people that come to these forums just to piss and moan that their OS/phone/PC/console/tablet is better than the iOS device du jour is rather tiring. There is actually an interesting article in the March 2011 issue of Scientific American that talks about this very subject. I highly recommend it.

    Totally agree on most fronts mate. I believe my comments were aimed at another that was quoted my post. I am 100% behind the overlap idea - it'll be used by loads for gaming, but IMO it won't be the only method of game playing, especially for the typical 'core' console gamer.

    I'd gladly pay $20 for starcraft on an iPad, without doubt, that's where I feel touch gaming can really add to the experience - RTS and Turn Basesd strategy game. BUT I feel that in the wake of the few dollar price point for idevice games and their (relative) simplicity I just don't think that it will do well. That may change over the next few years though.

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  • Old Smuggler
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    Playing that game with the HDMI dongle thingy hanging off an iPad looks, um, not ideal. Now, if it could stream it using AirPlay.

    Or stream it to an apple TV and let it do all the work
    that HDMI cable looks very cumbersome

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  • bigmc6000
    Jul 18, 08:02 AM
    I think it'd be a good idea. What most people in here seem to forget about is that there are millions of people who don't have DVD burners, much less DL DVD burners. Also, if the quality gets much more than 480p we're talking about quite a few older computers not being able to play it back very well. I think my 1.5GHz Powerbook is technically (according to apple) limited at 480p so if there's any slow down or jerkiness to get it to 720p I'm not a big fan of that.

    I think rental is a good idea - I've gone to blockbuster a few times and I've even watched some films from my cable company just because I didn't feel like going to blockbuster. But if they can make the price good (1.99 or 2.99 tops) it'd still be cheaper than either of the options I just listed and it'd be whole lot easier to do it.

    I like download to buy for music but I'm with a lot of people on here in that if I want to own a movie I'll just go to target the day it's released and get it for $16.

    One more thing - you don't want Steve to win this round because the studios would require an absurd pricing model. Look at the universal store - 29.99 for new releases?!?! If you want the DVD just go to Walmart or Target etc and get it way below MSRP otherwise the movie companies are going to make apple do what the retails do - take a loss on every single one sold and I really don't think Steve would be down with that...

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  • Kashchei
    Aug 27, 06:01 PM
    the new intel integrated graphics isn't ready, is it? So these will be merom minis with a GMA 950?

    This is the $64K question. Does anyone know when the X3000 is due to be released?

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 14, 05:33 AM
    There will be more media once there are more players, and there will be more players once there is more media. Which goes first? Players, naturally. Apple and the rest of the industry will just have to begin selling the players, and then the content will follow. Very soon I'd guess. The new Blu-Ray media can be sold at premium, so I think there will be a lot of discs to buy once certain threshold of players have been installed.

    Well, PS3 will have Blu-Ray in it. And if PS3 is even moderately succesfull, it would mean lots of Blu-Ray-players in the market.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Mar 23, 02:31 AM
    Good. The classic controls are far superior IMO when using quickly and trying not to look at it. This is the reason I will not purchase an iPod touch for use in the car.

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  • bdj21ya
    Oct 23, 07:14 PM
    Along with the macbook and MB pro getting updates, for $14.95 you can download an ipod nano or ipod patch/software that lets you listen to FM radio without having to purchase the radio remote. Interface is the same as with the remote.

    Haha! I'm sure no hardware (e.g. FM Tuner) is neccessary. Yeah Right!

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  • balamw
    Sep 6, 06:42 PM
    This brings up another point. There are a lot of "hackers" out there who, I would think, wouldn't have a lot of difficulty breaking encryption or copy protection on the possible movie rentals from iTunes. I think that would be another reason Apple would avoid rentals.
    Don't be so sure. The iTunes 6 audio DRM has only just been broken after almost 11 months of fervent effort, and as far as I know the video DRM has yet to be broken.

    Just in time for iTunes 7. :p.

    The current DRMed files are useless when backed up to a DVD unless you have the correct iTMS username/password.


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  • DreederOcUK
    Nov 15, 05:02 PM
    Im really looking forwards to this, if the 8-core 2.66 Macpro its going to cost just a little more than a quad 3ghz Macpro, im going to be buying as soon as it hits the website...

    As a recent Mac switcher, coming straight in with a base spec macpro(4x2.66/4gb/1750gbHDD), im now happy to invest in a more powerful machine.

    My only concern is the heat... my current Macpro runs 24/7 and 95% of the time is at full load across all 4 cores... and its still silent with temps never going over 52c... will these quad core chips run much hotter, meaning the front fans have to spin faster/noisier to keep the machine cool?

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  • IndyGopher
    Apr 5, 09:52 PM
    Please sign it !! For our sakes

    Next Commodore 64? You know Commodore started selling computers after Apple, sold fewer computers than Apple, and is gone, right? Why the Hell do you want Apple to be anything like Commodore?

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  • netdog
    Aug 25, 12:04 PM
    Why would updated mac minis be such a high security product. Its nothing revolutionary so why would apple want so much security on the shipping of them? Im hoping for something BIG

    Now you're talking. I want my iFon

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Feb 23, 01:21 AM
    Anyway, here is my point on the diesel vs. hybrids: After a quick glance around the web, I see the Toyota Prius stats at $23,050 and is rated at 51/48 MPG. The 4 door Golf TDI starts at $23,885 and is rated at 42/30 for the auto. Given the differences in mileage and difference in fuel prices, it is really hard for the average buyer to justify buying a diesel. Yes, I have read all over the internet about people getting insane mileage out of the diesels, but most people are just going to look at the ratings and compare that.

    They will, but VW rated its mileage conservatively, because they wanted to make sure their new diesel didn't promise more than it delivered. I think that VW may revise those numbers in the future.

    A diesel is still simpler, cheaper and potentially more reliable than a hybrid, and gives better fuel economy than a gasoline-engined car. So there is a definite market there, one that is likely to grow in the near future.

    They are exempt from CAFE( since HD's are supposed to be work trucks and all), but they are required to meet the new diesel emissions laws.

    True, that's a good point. But my original point was that the "Americans don't want diesels" argument doesn't hold water if people are buying diesel trucks in healthy numbers.

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  • Mexbearpig
    Nov 26, 09:57 AM
    Finished gifts for 2 of 4 people in my family :D. And got third season of Dexter for myself which I am watching now. My mom also got a wireless printer which once iPad 4.2 is jailbreakable I can airprint :). Good day. And the movies costed $34 total :D

    Nov 23, 01:45 PM
    OWC Mercury Elite AL enclosure
    2 - 500GB Hard Drives for my Dual bay OWC Mercury Elite AL enclosure

    for my ProTools set up

    (not my pictures)

    Jul 19, 03:53 PM
    Other than recently, how often have Mac sales been in the million+ a quarter? Didn't 2002 or something only see that many shipped the entire year?
    No - according to Mac sales have been above 3 million since 1998. But it looks like Apple's on track for > 5 million in the highest sales figures ever.

    Where are all you "Apple is doomed" sayers now?:p :D

    Apples sells ~4 Million Macs per quater. That's ~16 Mio a year. Given a 4 Year Life time that's "only" ~64 Mio Mac's installed, maybe more. That should be enough to keep developers happy.
    No, please re-read the figures - it's 1.327 million Macs for the last quarter.

    Nov 28, 02:35 PM
    I don't think I'd hold up Sony as an example of how to innovate and market -- they lost their focus decades ago. Aside from the walkman, let's see what products has Sony pushed in the last 30 years...

    Memory Stick

    Now we sit back and see if the PS3 and Blu-Ray follow the recent trend. If we're comparing Microsoft to Sony that's what you have to look forward to.

    Sorry to have to say this, but the Playstation and PS2 (early years) were a great success.

    The PS3 was late, but it is still too early ( like the Zune) to discount it as a good device or threat.

    Feb 28, 08:01 PM
    15! *internet props*, at one point i had a blue and white g3, a ruby imac g3, and a few others...unfortunatly my mom was tired of all the "useless" (in her eyes) computers and made me discard them (the only computers i have every gotten rid of that werent compleatly dead)

    now all im starting again, with this mdd g4 :D

    As much as I hate clutter, I'm a bit of a collector as well. Usually, whenever I get a free Mac (and most of the Macs I get are free), I sell them, but whenever I come across a free classic or really old Mac, I figure "eh, it isn't worth anything, might as well keep it..." and the collection builds from there. So far, I've got an SE/30, two PowerBook 180s, an eMac, a PowerMac G4 AGP (I think), an iMac G3, a Performa 5200CD, and an Apple //e. They all boot, but one of the PBs is iffy. I've also owned two 1.25GHz PowerBook G4s, a PowerMac G5 dual 2.0, two 1.83GHz Mac Minis, a 1.66GHz Mac Mini, several iMac G5s, a G4 Quicksilver, a MacBook Pro, an iMac G4, and maybe some others I'm forgetting. Only ones I paid for were some of the iMac G5s, the MBP, and two of the Mac Minis.

    And I've only been an Apple user since 2006 :p

    Mar 24, 01:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I wonder if this may imply the coming of that unicorn rider we all know and love, the 'headless mac" (aka xMac).

    Removable drives, no screen, more powerful than an iMac, 1499.99.

    That is exactly what I'm thinking! Seriously there is no need for that many GPUs in the Pro and IMac requires a custom card. So where would all of these cards go - XMac is my guess.

    Or it could simply be a sign of a unified driver from AMD. That would make sense as it is a smarter approach than the highly targeted drivers of the past.

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