Sunday, May 22, 2011

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  • BruinJohn
    Jul 21, 03:12 PM
    Well, since WWDC has been bumped from the usual June day, we all know something is coming. I kinda am hoping for a 13" MBP. They could introduce the 13" MBP along with bumped up 15" and 17" ones. Then, they could intro the MacPro. It would be one WWDC. Maybe they'll deliver something for the Paris Expo too. Maybe new iPods. They are trying to clear out the current ones with the Edu incentive of buy a mac, get a free nano. So, maybe a new nano is in the works. I can't wait. I won't be buying anything for a couple more years, but I love hearing about Apple stuff.

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  • okboy
    Apr 23, 06:08 PM
    We should stop using this as proof. Remember the iPad 2 was supposed to have a Retina display because of this? To make it worse, it's a beta. Slow news day I guess, but look how worked up people get about it. Just stop.

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  • Snik
    Jan 8, 09:56 PM
    I have just installed Sophos Anti Virus - what a mistake!

    I decided to install it because I have been a long term user of Sophos at work on the corporate PC and having installed the latest OSX I saw virus checkers in the App Store and a recommendation for Sophos there in a reference for another product.

    I ran a scan and a couple of PC specific malware files were found and destroyed.

    Then I noticed that my Time Machine back up was struggling.

    It turns out that there are issues with Sophos and Time Machine.

    I moved my Time Machine back ups to a DroboFS in December I have now lost all my back ups since then.

    Once I have backed up again I will be deinstalling it - bet I find that I loose the new back up then!


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  • iZac
    Mar 28, 11:14 AM
    Capacity bump now, full update September(ish)?

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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Sep 11, 06:51 AM
    Apple has over 150 stores in US(or is it 250?). So is it possible if someone wants to Buy or rent a movie he just goes to any of these stores(which will have Optic fibre connectivity with the online store) and download the desired movie on his iPod/Laptop/mini taking no more than 10 minutes. Now this might not sound that great but it should definitely up the sales of iFlicks by atleast 10-15% IMO. All these stores are located in prime locations in big cities. There is a huge number of footfalls in and around these stores. I dont live in US. But if I did and had such a store nearby I`d definitely be renting/buying atleast thrice as much movies than I`d otherwise even if I had a 10 Mbps connection.

    It`s just a thought and it might not really be possible. But if possible it can be one of those nice little extras which can help Apple gain on Amazon.

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  • KnightWRX
    May 6, 07:33 AM
    What I really wanted to say is that Google is going to run their datacentres on ARM

    There you go again with facts. Citation needed. I think what you want to say here is :

    "There was some speculation last year that Google might switch to ARM for their datacenters and servers after an acquisition of an ARM technology company".

    There is no way you can state what you are stating as a fact right now. ;)

    But the fact that Google bought a company developing ARM processors and also hired engineers from PA Semi that previously worked on Apple's A4 chips

    Yes, that is a fact you can state.

    means that they ARE going to produce their own ARM chips

    Not all acquisitions end up in workable projects. Google does a lot of acquisitions, some of them just end up as IP port-folio fodders, some of them get recycled into products, some of them just get abandonned. Who knows what Google is planning ?

    either for their own Android phones or more likely for their datacentres.

    How is it more likely for their datacenters, in light of Google's staff saying ARM isn't ready for the datacenter ? I'd say at this point, it's more likely for the Chrome OS based netbooks that will probably never see the light of day officially beyond the Cr48.

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  • DeaconGraves
    May 4, 03:05 PM
    Here's my problem with this distribution method for an OS:

    I have 4 Macs in my house. Previously, I'd buy a Family License DVD and go from machine to machine installing it.

    If I have to DL it from the App Store, I've got to download it 4 times! I don't care about paying for multiple licenses... I do care about blowing out my internet bandwidth downloading the same multi-gigabyte file 4 times. :mad:

    There had better be a physical-media option!

    Is everyone missing the "Preferred" in the headline of this thread? Preferred does not me "only" or "required" or "mandatory."

    We're not yet at the point where digitial distribution is a feasible option for everyone, but Apple needs to take the steps towards it now before the rest of the industry passes by.

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  • Gasu E.
    Apr 25, 08:25 AM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .
    Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:

    :) I think you are just seeing advance preparation for something that won't happen for a while; moreover, when it does happen, it will start with smaller screens and work its way up to the larger ones over time. By the time it works up to a 20"+ displays, GPUs will be much more powerful.

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  • gugy
    Jul 30, 01:06 AM
    Bring it on Apple!
    My Verizon contract expires in February. I'll be glad to dump then in favor to the iphone.

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  • mrial
    Mar 28, 10:11 AM
    So your attitude is "if I can't have it, I don't want anyone to have it."?

    Whether it comes out or not, you won't be getting one. So why would it matter either way?

    He was joking. lighten up.

    hairstyles 2011 short hair women. hairstyles 2011 short hair
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  • dnedved
    Sep 11, 01:53 AM
    If they come out with a video-capable Airport, I'll buy two of them. We don't have a TV and watch everything on our 17" and 12" PBs right now. I want a projector but don't want to have the mess of cables everywhere. This would be exactly what I need. I certainly don't need a new iPod, but if they came out with a true video iPod that could stream video wirelessly to the Airport, I'd probably have to pick up one or two of those as well.

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  • ticman
    Jan 24, 03:58 PM
    Regarding using a case with the tom tom kit--I bought a casemate (comes shiny and somewhat rubberized) and it fits fine in my tomtom car kit.

    check out the website. maybe it's a solution for you.

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  • Glideslope
    Mar 28, 10:57 AM
    If there is no new iphone in June/July I am getting a Thunderbolt.

    Buy it now. :apple:

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 23, 10:12 PM
    Why not? Conroe will have availability by WWDC, IIRC, and Merom won't be far behind- they could announce a MBP with Merom, shipping in two weeks after WWDC.

    MBP with Merom, iMac with Conroe, Mac Pro's with either Conroe and a Woodcrest quad or all Woodcrest, MacBook's with Merom or Yonah w/price drop, and Mac Mini price drop back to $499.

    It sounds very plausible plus didn't Apple say with the introduction of Intel Processers there would be more hardware updates through the year?

    Even so I'm up for the entire line update :D :cool:

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  • 28monkeys
    Apr 23, 06:20 PM

    hairstyles 2011 short hair women. hairstyles 2011 short hair.
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  • mnemonix
    Mar 31, 03:25 AM
    I guarantee America has all the technology required to make components for a phone battery.

    And yes, I'd pay more for EVERYTHING I buy if I knew that an American was making it here in America. That means more people working fair-wage jobs, paying taxes, and contributing to the economy by spending THEIR money in the economy as well.

    The 'fair' wages and high standard of living the US enjoyed in the past came in large part from exports, ie participation in the global market. The same global market, driven by capitalism, that now demands a reverse in your fortunes because you can no longer compete... the rest of us have no interest in buying US products if they're not competitive, and without our markets your businesses, even those as successful as Apple, wouldn't survive or benefit the US economy as much as they do.

    Globalisation isn't a race to the bottom, it's resulting in a fairer distribution of the wealth around the world, driven by nothing more than the free market; it was never a God given right that the US should enjoy a higher standard of living than anyone else.

    Ironically I say this as a socialist who believes a better society can't be entirely created from the profit motive - but socialism is apparantly a dirty word in your country too. You're trapped between a rock and a hard place I'd say.

    hairstyles 2011 short hair women. hairstyles 2011 short hair
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  • fruitpunch.ben
    Mar 29, 04:31 PM
    The plant with mass rates of suicide is in China.

    wired had an article about this a couple months back. The suicide rate at the Foxconn plant is lower than the suicide rate in the rest of the Chinese population (possibly lower even than in the US, I can't remember the article exactly).
    So basically, as sad as the suicides are that happened, the "mass rates of suicide" is/was a media beat-up. As is, quite possibly, this whole article come to think of it. Someone looking to bring down the price of Apple shares, a so-called shortage of some obscure component that of course can only be manufactured in Japan is a good way to do it

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 4, 02:02 PM
    i assumed software optimized for 64 bit hardware.

    maybe, but we don't have that yet

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  • ProfessorApple
    Apr 5, 07:39 PM
    I wonder why Apple gives a hoot? This couldn't be hurting them could it?:confused:

    Apr 7, 10:17 AM
    Ehh, purposeful or not (as a sabotage)...not good news for iPad competition:( Which isnt good news for us iPad users...Apple needs constant pressure to release revolutionary products.

    Of course not purposeful. They bought what they needed and couldn't care less as long as they got what they needed.
    Why would anybody care about competitors getting any components of any kind, if they get what they need?

    Don't agree that Apple needs constant pressure.

    Any good company gets its pressure from within (to make it's products better, to sell the next generation) and from market research and consumer communications.

    I bet they know that MobileMe sucks (I gave it up as there is better stuff for free) and will do a major overhaul.

    I think we will see tablets taking a big chunk out of notebooks and become the next note book generation.

    The next revolutionary thing. (Dick Tracy watch that works:-)
    Could be that we'll all run around with little receivers and get the info out of the cloud via Wifi type "Gas" station network free of specific carriers.
    You'd go to such a station and dial yourself into your network as they all have Verizon, ATT , but they'd also have the renegades etc.

    These receivers will be able to project anything one would normally watch on a screen onto anything flat (wall , paper , desktop, side of a briefcase, even your hand etc.) so the current panels could become strong projecting lenses.

    Lenses can be smaller to project, so development of image sensors is next.

    Go RIM , MS and start developing or Apple will.

    Sep 11, 05:59 AM
    It would be one of them movie/media thingies, so my pessimistic newb bones inform me.

    May 3, 05:26 PM
    methinks we need someone with some perspective in charge here, so before the crazy wizard gets us all killed for his king's secret quests, whatever they are, I propose we follow the wisdom of my brother Jorah

    I would rather that you started leading us since you seem to be much more versed in the rules guiding us :).

    May 7, 12:31 PM
    Can it be free some time in the next...Week or so? They're about to charge my card, but I do want to keep using the service. $99 is a bit much but Find My iPhone is practically worth it alone.

    Its a little late for you but as other have mentioned you can pretty much always buy MM from amazon for around $70 then just enter the code to renew.

    Apr 21, 12:50 AM
    I'd love it if you could point out where you addressed this, because as a tax accountant, I'm having a hard time thinking of a time when a realized capital gain isn't income - if you have a realized net gain (ie amount realized is greater than your basis in the capital asset), you certainly have income. Certainly you could reinvest that net gain, but that doesn't mean you don't have income, that just means you realized a gain and reinvested the old basis and the gain (income). You're only taxed on realized gains that are recognized by the code (and you can net against realized losses) - sure, I could have an unrealized capital gain that isn't income, but I wouldn't be taxed on it either. Not that I don't agree with some of your points, but I'd really love the same clarification on this that most other posters have been asking for.

    I suppose what you are getting at as a trader is that you buy a capital asset for $1000 and sell two days latter for $1100, then reinvest the $1100 into another capital asset. You'd be taxed on the $100 of capital gain even though you effectively have no cash in your hands to pay the tax. Unfortunately for traders, income doesn't mean cash. But a person who was in the trade or business of being a professional trader wouldn't qualify for capital gains treatment anyways, it would all be ordinary income.

    Okay, but just for you, dude (when you disagree with me, we both can at least understand what we're disagreeing on. Other people here, well, it's just a waste of time. They start responding before even understanding my point). I guess I didn't make it clear earlier but my perspective on capital gains is in relation to inflation. If there were 100 widgets and 100 dollars, let's say the value of one widget was 1 dollar. If the central bank in charge of dollars decides to do some quantitative easing and increases the money supply to 200 dollars. This will lead to inflation with one widget valued at approximately 2 dollars. Now, why should one pay capital gains on this when, most likely, everything else costs more too. You didn't really receive any gain; the measurement of value (dollars) decreased.

    For example, let's say there was a tax for getting taller. If the measurement of an inch or foot keeps decreasing, you will have to keep paying even though you're not getting taller.

    Earlier I gave an example of the time between buying an apple and biting into it, likening it to cost basis and realized gain. We would find it ridiculous to pay a tax for any capital gain in the apple, but if I choose to save my money in gold until I use it, most people think I'm actually gaining something. If I were holding stock in a company that paid dividends, that might be different.

    So from my perspective, the inflation (capital gain) itself is a tax, and we have to pay a tax for that tax. Right now, I don't believe the economy is really improving; the Fed is just creating enough inflation to improve the numbers. Stocks may be going up, but I think food prices are going up even faster. So what is the point of a capital gains on stocks if the proceeds from the sale nets you even less groceries than at the time of your cost basis? If a 1 ounce gold coin a hundred years ago buys you roughly the same today, what is the point of charging a capital gains? In this case, the coin would have gone from $20 to $1500, adding up to a capital gain of $1480. Sure, you could have save the $20 in cash instead of gold, but then you're "taxed" by inflation. Instead of paying your rent for several months, $20 will now buy you a haircut. Forget the "tax the rich" aspect of this; this makes it really difficult for poor people to save money because they are the ones most likely to save cash.

    My concern is, how will we save our purchasing power? The government is actively decreasing the value of our money and anything we do to try and save our purchasing power is stripped away by taxes.

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