Monday, May 23, 2011

daniel agger tattoo

daniel agger tattoo. daniel agger tattoo
  • daniel agger tattoo

  • generik
    Jul 19, 05:24 PM
    - 2nd highest quarterly sales and earnings in Apple's history

    Made possible by paying 10c for each Mac constructed with a high quality and proficient workforce.

    daniel agger tattoo. #daniel agger #liverpool fc
  • #daniel agger #liverpool fc

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 05:11 PM
    That could be true, but I can't verify it - simply because I don't really see any of those around here....

    A friend of mine owns a 2009 Jetta TDI, and another friend owns a 2003(ish) Golf TDI. The new Jetta is significantly better than the Golf with the older generation diesel, but even the Golf's engine is much more refined than a diesel truck engine.

    I live out in the country (horse and cattle farms), and about half the pickups out here are 3/4 ton and 1 ton diesels, mostly Chevys and Fords. Following one down the highway it's hard to hear them, but if you're behind one you can damn sure smell it - and yes, I'm talking about the new ones, too.

    I live in Alaska, and they love their big diesel trucks here. I can agree that pretty much all of them stink awfully when you drive behind them. Also, performance modifications are pretty popular, so that with re-tuned ECUs and free-flowing exhausts, the damned things are positively deafening and noxious. The older trucks are definitely much worse than the newest models though.

    Can't speak to the new DPF-equipped trucks, I haven't had enough experience with them. Hopefully, the increasingly stringent economy and pollution regulations will continue to make pickup diesels less and less similar to the dumptruck, semi and bulldozer engines we currently associate them with.

    Still, the bottom line is, passenger car diesel engines from Germany and Italy in particular are excellent and nothing like the big clunkers in American trucks. If a diesel Cruze makes it here, it will be very smooth and quiet by comparison.

    daniel agger tattoo. daniel agger tattoo
  • daniel agger tattoo

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 13, 12:54 PM
    "Macbook Air" was just reregistered on 01.11.08 as a .com
    If this was the true name, Apple would of purchased the name long before Macworld.

    End of Story.

    Apple dosent registor domain names like that...

    daniel agger tattoo. Agger#39;s Tattoo!
  • Agger#39;s Tattoo!

  • mltaylor
    Mar 22, 10:03 AM
    Can't please everybody. Someone will always be upset over something. This time people are upset, next time maybe I will be upset with something on the App Store. Deal with things people and move on.

    daniel agger tattoo. Daniel Agger of Denmark
  • Daniel Agger of Denmark

  • Benguitar
    Nov 24, 02:02 PM
    I do believe that's a gun case.

    Hm, Didn't think of that. I got it at a camera store. :rolleyes::D

    This will make airline travel more interesting.

    daniel agger tattoo. Daniel Agger tattoo
  • Daniel Agger tattoo

  • alfagta
    Apr 1, 04:00 PM
    Does Lion feel much faster and more stable? I mean it�s been like 5 or 6 weeks since DP1. They had plenty of time to eliminate bugs. I�m askin cause we don�t see too much new features expect redesigned iCal.

    daniel agger tattoo. Daniel Agger: Denmark star
  • Daniel Agger: Denmark star

  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 04:41 PM
    How could the analysts be off by almost a billion dollars? Are they held to account for this?

    Of course not. Their job is to not be accurate. Their job is to generate revenue, usually in the form of stock trades. If they are accurate, it is usually because the company they are covering essentially gave them the EXACT numbers.

    Analyst downgrades stock, people sell. Analyst upgrades stock, people buy. rinse, repeat every couple of months.

    However, most analysts are pleasant people. Must be from those mid-six figure salaries.

    daniel agger tattoo. daniel agger tattoo.
  • daniel agger tattoo.

  • ryan.stewie
    Apr 12, 10:08 PM
    Well i'll tell you this FCP 5 (floating around in places i won't mention) is around 1.5 GB so If it is on the App store It will be 1 BIG download for me.
    (3 Mbps cable line here)

    pfffft! You think you've got it bad? I've only got 1500kbps here :D

    daniel agger tattoo. Daniel Agger tattoo picture.
  • Daniel Agger tattoo picture.

  • aibo82
    May 2, 07:34 PM
    I think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between iOS and Mac OS!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac iOS/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we HAVE to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!

    daniel agger tattoo. Daniel Agger.he is just UNFFF
  • Daniel Agger.he is just UNFFF

  • roar08
    May 2, 11:19 PM
    Microsoft have managed to get one thing right in Windows. A specific tool (Add/Remove Programs) to delete a program.

    Right, because *that* removes all traces of any application /facepalm.

    daniel agger tattoo. Re: Daniel Agger.
  • Re: Daniel Agger.

  • nostaws
    Jan 11, 11:22 PM
    If this notebook has no optical drive and no cables (as 9 to 5 mac suggests), how will customers hook up the optical drive? How will they reload/upgrade os x?

    How about 10.5 on a flash drive? or a 4 gig sd card. Prices are cheap enough now. (not that I think they really will, but just floating an idea). and can't time machine work over airport?

    But just for convenience, there has to be a port of some sort usb, firewire, etc.

    I read that induction charging stuff. Wow, if that was the case, and it was functional, that would be cool.

    I am looking for something revolutionary this time around. A la ipod, or iphone, a new product, more than just a "mini laptop."

    daniel agger tattoo. Daniel Agger Tattoo:
  • Daniel Agger Tattoo:

  • walshlink
    Mar 26, 02:07 AM
    I simply LOVE how people talk about 1080p without mentioning bitrate. When the A5 chip can handle 1080p video at 40 Mb/s, this will be newsworthy.

    daniel agger tattoo. duo Daniel Agger and Ryan
  • duo Daniel Agger and Ryan

  • Bodypainter
    May 3, 04:03 AM
    oh guys, don't you understand what is going on here?

    the iPhone and iPad is very sucessful therefore apple wants to bring all the user interface elements to the Mac too. and this actually makes sense. the only problem: we are used to the Mac os and don't want to give up our habits.

    but there is no way around: it's time to melt iOS and Mac OS x. and apple is going to bring so many things to the os x that will confuse so many people. they have to solve so many problems like deletion of programs or the fullscreen dilemma.

    I am very sure that they want the Mac os to behave like iOS. but iOS is based on the home screen and this terrible multitasking bar (double-click on home button) no trashcan (oho!) and no finder.

    but there is also a good side to it. maybe the iOS is getting the "widget screen" too, because if apple is totally logical, the have to introduce this too (and mission control).

    (written on an iPad)

    daniel agger tattoo. attends Daniel Agger#39;s
  • attends Daniel Agger#39;s

  • twoodcc
    Feb 17, 06:27 AM
    Sorry to hear that, when will you be able to get back to your apartment to get everything started again?

    My points are down too for some reason, not sure what the problem is as everything is running ok.

    i won't get back to my apartment before april. so another month and half of no output basically unless i manage to get another system.

    i just don't know what happened. they were running fine before i left.

    btw, congrats on 9 million points!

    daniel agger tattoo. Tagged: Daniel Agger, off the
  • Tagged: Daniel Agger, off the

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 17, 08:56 AM
    Ah, great to see another person in their 30s who still very much enjoys the freedom and pleasures of the road. :D

    "in comparison".

    I'm 71. ;)

    daniel agger tattoo. Kuyt and Daniel Agger,
  • Kuyt and Daniel Agger,

  • appleguy123
    Mar 20, 03:49 PM
    I agree.

    I think that if the App Store wasn't regulated, this app would clearly have standing to be in there, as would an app that was misogynistic, anti-semitic, or pro-flatulence.

    However, Apple (and Steve Jobs in particular) has said that the App Store is meant to "protect" people from certain things (namely porn). Since Apple has the right to determine what goes into its store, I think it's fair to ask that an app that is more offensive than porn (most people disagree with this type of "therapy" and approve of homosexuality compared to the level of disagreement there is with porn) should be similarly removed from the App Store.

    I think there's also a Pandora's Box in that if this App delves into trying to "cure" people of some non-existent psychosis, could Apple be guilty of aiding and abetting the practice of medicine/psychology without a license? I'm not saying there's an answer to this, but it certainly does leave the door open to more problems.

    There are homeopathic apps in the AppStore. Those won't work any better than this 'pray the gay away' app, but they still are allowed in the store.

    daniel agger tattoo. footballer Daniel Agger
  • footballer Daniel Agger

  • bokdol
    Nov 28, 09:53 AM
    one of the key differences between the xbox and zune. is that microsoft only had to contend with 2 other players in the video game indistry. the ipod maybe top. but there are hundred of other companies to battle first just to reach second place. and also phone companies. spending money maynot help them like in the case of the xbox.

    daniel agger tattoo. agger tattoos
  • agger tattoos

  • netdog
    Aug 29, 01:09 PM
    Think Secret say no Merom in the Mini so you guys believe it?

    It makes little sense to continue with the Yonah.

    I am suspect of this rumour.

    daniel agger tattoo. agger tattoo
  • agger tattoo

  • Tmelon
    Mar 30, 08:39 PM
    Launchpad is now fixed.. Click and hold to move multiple apps (shakes like iPhone)

    When launching expose dock doesn't crash any more...

    Much snappier in performance

    Has anyone noticed when shutting down the menu bar up top stays into the blue screen?
    Also has anyone noticed that spot light doesn't show apps anymore?

    So does the Launchpad have an easy way to remove icons yet?

    Nov 27, 04:28 PM
    It's Christmas time :) Here are my last few purchases for various members of my family.

    Stocking stuffers for mom, dad, brother, and sister:

    Gift for my mom. She rides her bike 10 miles to and from work a few times a week:

    Gift for my brother. He sold all of his games to Gamestop so that he could buy Fifa 10. He really wants Fifa 11 too, but I'm waiting to see if I can find it cheaper:

    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    ding ding ding. I agree.

    The store is called the App Store. You can't copy someones store name.

    Yes you can... to a certain extent.
    Two stores can be named the same if the name is generic in nature.

    Apple didn't create the word "App Store". This has been proven in many threads about this very topic.
    They popularized it and then went so far as to even give it generic meaning.
    Steve did that himself. Now he's trying to lay claim to it after the fact.
    Will he win... who knows.

    But nothing is as black and white as many claim to believe it is.
    Trademark law is complicated.

    Nov 29, 05:29 PM
    Perhaps Microsoft should have a "switch" campaign like Apple for the Zune. Showing all the wonderful things like radio and squirting music and photos.

    Wonderful equals bad taste?

    Feb 7, 06:03 PM
    For something creeping up on 15 years old, that thing is in fantastic shape. Mustangs are an odd car for me. I never seem to like them each time a new one is released, but then the older they get, the more I start to like them. A buddy of mine has a '93 Cobra with just a couple thousand miles on it, and I absolutely love it.

    I read a story a while back about people and their music tastes. Many people never really get out of their 20's with their favorite bands. The stuff you like around that age is what sticks with you forever as your favorite. I think it might be something similar with cars. I see cars from back in the early-mid 90s, when I was in high school and then into college, and I get all nostalgic and stuff. Fox body 5L Mustangs, FC RX7s, C4 Corvettes, Syclone/Typhoon, etc. The older I get, and the older those cars get, the more I love them. New cars are nice, but some things just stick with you. And those cars are permanently stuck with me.

    Treat that Stang nice Puma, because it is certainly a keeper.

    I completely agree with the whole "liking what you enjoyed as a youngster forever" theory.

    Back when I was six or seven, my dad bought a brand new red '95 Camaro Z28. Quite a few mods were added to it, including a 150hp shot of nitrous and more. I was too young to realize why everyone thought the car was "cool." After some family car purchases, my dad eventually traded the Z28 in for a 2002 SS, again, right off the lot. After all the mods, that car pushed out almost 600HP. He's since moved onto cars much nicer than a Camaro; but for as long as I live, the Camaro will probably be my favorite car on the road. I hope to get a new '11 SS here in the next six months or so.

    Oct 23, 08:30 AM
    Of course, we all know exactly what this rumor really means.

    It means, simply, that the "Full Laptop Refresh By Holidays?" thread will stop short of 4000.

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