Monday, May 23, 2011

william and kate

william and kate. William and Kate Lifetime Kate
  • William and Kate Lifetime Kate

  • lilo777
    Apr 26, 04:54 PM
    Ok umm it's obvious that the examples I used was sarcasm....but all in all..yes u get cameras and far better specs...but what does that prove? Not sales really..what device has sold more then an iOS device? All together android is out there more but target one single devices sales compared to iOS...evo made more then an iOS?no...droid made more then an iOS? is ok but it's not passing iOS as one device needs to desperately piggy back other manufacturers in order to do so...but tell u this..if jobs was to say he wanted other manufacturers to carry iOS , goodbye android...but it doesn't need to do that..I guarantee that in apples top "threat" chart android is not even on the list....jailbreaks are...then probably cloud based services...but android like I said isn't even on there "oh snap" list.

    And what does that prove? It's Apple's strategy to have a single iOS phone model. If there was a single Android phone it might be doing just as well as iPhone. However, if Apple were to release, say, 20 iPhone models do you really thing they would sell 20 times more iPhones. They would not. And as far as threats are concerned, did you notice that iPhone market share actually declined? Is it not a threat?

    william and kate. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • twoodcc
    Aug 4, 01:55 PM
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?

    what do you mean, with 64-bit software or 32-bit software?

    william and kate. william kate
  • william kate

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 10, 02:04 PM
    You wouldn't think that 4 x 5 + 4 meant 4 x (5 + 4), so why would you think that 48 / 2 x 12 meant 48 / (2 x 12)?

    I don't think a typical mathematician would write this on paper using a "/", rather they would use a "_". Using / on anything more complex than x/y is very poor form.

    Here, I assume / is being used as MacRumors isn't set up for writing equations. So I asked myself how would I write this in _ format?

    I thought the answer would be-

    48 (9 + 3)

    Hence leading to 288.

    The problem is / leads to confusion because you don't know if the person typing wanted to use a _ but couldn't, it is the intention and use that is confusing, not the symbol itself. Nobody should have to use PEDMAS for something silly like this- people should write equations in a decent format.

    EDIT- using the x symbol is also something I don't like to do if I can avoid it. 5x6 or 5*6 not as good as 5(6) (or just xy if algebra is involved).

    william and kate. between William and Kate
  • between William and Kate

  • Old Smuggler
    Sep 11, 02:31 AM
    I hope that the free iPod nano educational deal is still in effect if new iPods are released this week.

    seriously doubt it
    its just a way to make a little more money off the existing ipods and reduce stock before the changeover

    william and kate. William and Kate had
  • William and Kate had

  • amols
    Aug 4, 11:59 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    william and kate. Prince William Kate Middleton
  • Prince William Kate Middleton

  • andiwm2003
    Apr 25, 09:58 AM
    How so? Everything he said fits the facts as we know them. There is NO evidence that this information gets transmitted to ANYONE, and believe me people are looking hard to prove otherwise. So this makes Steve look like he's telling the truth.

    maybe Steve is right in saying that apple is not tracking us. however my iPhone is tracking my movements and stores the data in a unencrypted format that everyone can read out who has access to my phone.

    that is the point that apple is critizised for. this is a gaping security hole! nobody has claimed apple is using this information for malicious purposes.

    however Steve answered the question if apple is tracking users. a classic strawman.

    william and kate. William and Kate#39;s $40 mil
  • William and Kate#39;s $40 mil

    May 4, 02:53 PM
    I dont think its going to be though the App Store. The only reason its thought he app store now is the minimise abuse.

    Anyway, what happens if you whole hard drive dies?
    What if you want to reinstall everything from scratch?
    There is just too many what ifs

    I think the should use USB flash drives rather then DVDs IF the flash drives are faster then the DVD

    The app store is for apps and not for a whole OS

    william and kate. Kate and William
  • Kate and William

  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 2, 10:50 AM
    I can't wait!
    5 days to go, and I'm in need of an iPod and reallllly really really wanna get a look at this 'Leapord' thing everyone's talking about so much! So maybe I don't get my iPod, I'm still really excited. Apple's been so boring this year, with a bluetooth might mouse just about the most exciting release thus far... I have expectations Apple, don't let me dont please

    william and kate. william kate engagement.
  • william kate engagement.

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 01:53 PM
    4/7 for exploring the hallway (Loras Dontpanic, Rosius Aggie, Beatrice Moyank and Rhon Ucfgrad)

    We explore the room we are in now (the entire group)

    william and kate. prince william and kate
  • prince william and kate

  • MikhailT
    Mar 30, 11:14 PM
    I don't know if anybody reported this but Mac App Store now loads the updates/apps into LaunchPad instead of on the dock and it has the iOS blue loading bar on the LaunchPad instead. LaunchPad also seems to retain previous view.

    william and kate. song for William and Kate.
  • song for William and Kate.

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 11:39 AM
    Does anyone think that if these upcoming merom MBPs do get a new case design with with MB-like keyboard, magnetic latch, etc, there will also be an updated gpu? level 2 cache? front side bus? I'm not sure what ram speeds the merom can deal with.

    EDIT: answered my own question, thanks to eidorians sig.

    william and kate. william and kate middleton
  • william and kate middleton

  • evil89
    Apr 5, 04:39 PM
    Anyway it's ********** ugly!

    william and kate. william and kate
  • william and kate

  • Tonsko
    Dec 7, 04:51 AM
    Did you even bother to read this link that someone posted for you cav23j?

    Was having problems getting sophos to complete a scan without bringing the MBP to a standstill and require a reboot... I read that thread and everything worked as it shouild. It has given me no other problems.

    william and kate. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • Americanloti
    Sep 17, 12:51 AM
    Hello everyone,

    this is my first post, but I've been reading you all for a while now. I'm waiting for the MBP merom like most of the people here, but do you think there a possibility to see new Displays as well at Photokina? Maybe built-in iSight?

    william and kate. william and kate photos.
  • william and kate photos.

  • adamchronister8
    Mar 28, 10:20 AM
    I don't see why this is such an issue. I would rather they wait until they feel the need to show new hardware instead of just throwing something out there to make the press happy.

    william and kate. william and kate pictures.
  • william and kate pictures.

  • inlovewithi
    Apr 26, 02:08 PM
    It was only a matter of time.

    william and kate. prince william and kate
  • prince william and kate

  • dexthageek
    Apr 26, 02:53 PM
    Where do these survey companies get there data from? I have NEVER been asked any questions about stuff like this. Plus with statistics you can fudge the numbers to represent just about anything.

    william and kate. William and Kate Middleton
  • William and Kate Middleton

  • mentalward
    Mar 30, 07:30 PM
    So nobody has answered yet whether this requires you to reinstall Lion or if you just install an "update" through the Mac App Store somehow. I am not at home so I can't test it out myself yet.

    You need to install an update from Software Update first. Then Restart. Then go to the Dev Center and get a redeem code. Then go to the Mac App Store, redeem a and download.

    So no you dont have to do a new install

    There you go

    william and kate. prince william and kate
  • prince william and kate

  • Reach9
    Apr 20, 01:00 PM
    I honestly don't understand where some people get their logic from.
    I just skimmed through this thread and i saw posts like "The next iPhone will be an iPhne 4S/iPad 2 type upgrade, so it won't be big". Or "the next iPhone should be called iPhone 4GS or iPhone 4S, because it won't be a big upgrade".
    I'm sorry but a Dual Core processor itself makes it a huge upgrade. The iPhone 3GS was the biggest upgrade internally, the iPhone 4 has more RAM.

    Don't judge a book by it's cover.

    Btw, why would Apple go back to messing up with their names? iPhone 3G was almost the exact same as the Original iPhone, except it had 3G functionalities. So they had to emphasize on "3G", hence the name.
    In a marketing stance, it didn't make sense for Apple to go from iPhone 3G to iPhone 3, people want to see improvements not a removal of a letter.
    And now finally they came back to the numerical way of naming the iPhone, and i think it'll stay just like that. It makes no sense for Apple to mess it up.
    Otherwise the iPad 2 according to some people here should've been called "iPad 1S" :rolleyes:

    This should make sense:
    iPhone = iPhone 1
    iPhone 3G = iPhone 2
    iPhone 3GS = iPhone 3
    iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
    iPhone 5 = iPhone 5

    Makes sense? Now how messed up would this be..
    iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
    iPhone 4S = iPhone 5
    iPhone 5 = iPhone 6

    In other words, don't undermine the iPhone 5. Due to the leak of the 'prototype' iPhone 4 last year, Apple has been very strict with their next device, by this time last year we knew a lot about the iPhone 4.
    So we can only wait until a date closer to September (from what it seems), to see the actual features of the phone.
    Keep in mind guys, Apple is going to add things to make current iPhone 4 owners upgrade, it's all marketing.

    Mar 30, 08:25 AM
    So the factory is fine but the loading dock is damaged? And they had to shut down the factory because they can't figure out another way to bring in the supplies? :confused:

    Sounds like we are not getting the whole story...

    Iwaki is about 50 km south of the plant, which is well outside the radiation evacuation zones. But it is also only a few kilometers from the coast, and even if the plant is not damaged, that means that the roads and rail connections surely are.

    May 4, 03:42 PM
    Usually, "Preferred" means one will be more readily available (download) than the other (Physical).

    In 3 years there will be no "PREFERRED" anything with Macs. Everything that is installed on Mac will come from the App Store. It WILL BE the EXCLUSIVE method of loading ANYTHING on Macs. OS X will become exactly like iOS and ALL of you will just happily accept it. I expect to see statements on Macrumors like "Oh how wonderful it is that Steve is looking after us and protecting us from the evil world of Malware that those crappy PC's get. Thanks Steve for looking out for us and our elegant, delicious, sexy, and magical devices"......

    May 5, 09:01 AM
    "If you have a stick that is 3' 7 13/16" and need to divide it into 3 equal sections, what is the length of the each section to the nearest 1/64 inch?" as opposed to "If you have a stick that 1233 mm long....." - and no, I didn't check to see if they are the same

    I'd use a calculator in either example, so it's a moot point.

    Out of interest, how would you enter (3' 7 13/16") / 3 into a standard calculator? That would be a nightmare I would think, and quite prone to errors. 1233 / 3 is pretty easy!

    Nov 3, 04:30 PM
    what a rip off, tomtom is a joke. sub par navigation app $99 and another $119 for their stupid car mount that does nothing but improve gps signal. they are r@ping many people.

    well i do agree with you that it is to expensive, but it does a little more than improve the gps. It also works as a hands free calling device with a speaker, charges your iphone, works with other gps apps, and plays your music through your car stereo.

    May 3, 02:49 AM
    I'll preface by saying I'm an engineer, so I see the merits of the metric system.

    However, the reason I think Americans have such a problem with it is because there is no analog for one foot. You go from decimeters (which nobody actually uses) straight to a meter.

    It can be very difficult to get a feel for how tall someone who is 165 cm is.

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