Monday, May 30, 2011

anne hathaway top

anne hathaway top. cbjamm wrote: Anne Hathaway
  • cbjamm wrote: Anne Hathaway

  • clibinarius
    Apr 28, 12:59 PM
    So the iPhone went from being pummeled by Android to now just being badly beaten.

    That is Awesome.

    iOS for phones was being pummeled by Android. iPhone is kicking the heck out of every phone on the market individually.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway in Alice in
  • Anne Hathaway in Alice in

  • Legion93
    May 1, 11:43 PM
    If anything this will just escalate our wars, from both sides.

    let's sure hope not

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway hairstyles
  • Anne Hathaway hairstyles

  • cult hero
    Mar 31, 01:53 PM
    I find it amusing that there is a trend to make computers more like "the real thing" in areas where computers are far and away used more than the real thing. How many people still use an address/calendar book versus a computer program?

    I just think it's funny.

    I wonder if that brown looks better on the system than in that screenshot. It makes me happy I don't use iCal anyway.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway
  • Anne Hathaway

  • MatLu
    Jun 7, 12:14 AM
    This is one of the reasons why I don't have any of my credit card associated with my iTunes account. I always just buy myself some iTunes credit and use that instead. So far I've never bought anything by accident on iTunes (but I did once buy a Kindle book on Amazon by accident (since Kindle books are automatically and always 1-Click purchases even if you disable that feature for everything else on Amazon). Lesson learned for this kid and mother. Luckily they were able to get a refund from Apple.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway Throws A Fit At
  • Anne Hathaway Throws A Fit At

  • Kelmon
    Oct 24, 08:00 AM
    Will buy the 17" version just as soon as the store will take my order...

    Anyway, at least this wait is now over!

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway Jake Gyllenhaal
  • Anne Hathaway Jake Gyllenhaal

  • Yvan256
    Jul 28, 10:05 AM
    Don't forget, ALL consoles lose money when they first ship.

    Nintendo never sold any console at a loss.

    I tend to agree with you, but that is just business, and Microsoft is good at it. If we want to point fingers, point them at the consumers. The only reason Microsoft still pours money into things is because people will still buy their products. Microsoft also uses their position of having a large amount of disposable cash. If their product sucks, people won't buy it, and Microsoft suffers.

    If that were true, Microsoft would never have been able to survive after Windows 95.

    If a product sucks but almost everyone else is using it, most people will use it too.

    anne hathaway top. ANNE HATHAWAY - SEE THRU TOP

  • nniicckk
    Apr 15, 02:13 AM
    They are already out in the wild. How do I know? Read below :)

    I was in a restaurant in the bay area earlier this week when a lady walked in to pick up her takeout. She was yakking on a white iPhone. I got a nice look at it from about 3-4 feet away. It wasn't a black iPhone with a white cover, it was clearly a white iPhone with no cover. Saw the silver Apple logo and the engravings very clearly. It did strike me as odd, but I haven't been tracking all-things-apple closely, so didn't know if the white iPhone was in the market or not.

    And yes, it could be that the lady had paid mega bucks to get a custom white skin, but that honestly seems more far fetched.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway. Back Top
  • Anne Hathaway. Back Top

  • Intell
    Apr 25, 04:05 PM
    It was a lovely party, with everyone dressed up in their finest costumes and wears. lbro was a rock star wearing a fur coat, Plutonius was a musketeer, and nies was that dude that discovered the Galapagos. He even had a stuffed dog named Bagel. By early morning the party goers where going home and the lights where being snuffed out.

    chrmjenkins was part way through his first cup of tea of the morning, when his good friend, appleguy312 burst through the door wielding a towel and satchel. "Going out for a walk?" said chrmjenkins as he chocked on his tea. "We gotta go, NOW" said appleguy213 as he went through chrmjenkins' linen closet. "Here we are!" exclaimed appleguy123 as he pulled out a pink flowery bath towel. He promptly pushed chrmjenkins out the door of his little bungalow and out on to the front lawn.

    "What are those things?!?" demanded chrmjenkins as he pointed to the blocks floating in the sky above.

    "Wolves, they're here to eat the people then mine the world to make a new super Wal-Mart and diamond picks." appleguy312 spoke these words as he fiddled with something around his lowest finger (Giggity). "We need to get a signal to escape! Take my hand!"

    And with that they vanished into the sky, with chrmjenkins trailing drool out of his unconscious mouth.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway Blue Top
  • Anne Hathaway Blue Top

  • twoodcc
    Nov 3, 11:37 AM
    too bad not everyone can get the beta

    anne hathaway top. Co-host Anne Hathaway (top)
  • Co-host Anne Hathaway (top)

  • Stella
    Jul 28, 08:42 AM
    Never too late.

    Isn't that what people said when Apple released the iPod - its too late... Now look.

    It's too late for Microsoft - they are just riding Apple's coattails now, in a desperate attempt to create something that can compete with iTunes+iPod...but thats all it is, a desperate attempt :eek:

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway Movies.
  • Anne Hathaway Movies.

  • wedge antilies
    Jul 11, 06:15 PM
    why do people buy the video ipod with its tiny screen when there are other, better, video players out there already?

    I have one of these ( and its fantastic.

    IMHO, both Apple and Microsoft will have to go some way to beat the COWON A2.

    I know,
    A) people use the iPod video for Music first, thats why its "iPod video" not the "Video iPod". The video feature is only a bonus.

    B) you can use the iTMS with the iPod video

    C) Its $120 more than the iPod

    D) Who the hell is COWON?!? - It's sounds like one of those "Simpsons brands" like Sorny.

    When the REAL Video iPod comes out, this will be a collectable* item like a Beta VCR.

    *By "Collectable" I mean - un-resell-able.

    -Red 2.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway - Top Women 3
  • Anne Hathaway - Top Women 3

  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 01:11 PM
    A tragedy?

    Still too early. But if you think my death is tragic, maybe, just maybe, you can be a stripper in my next game.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway Actress.
  • Anne Hathaway Actress.

  • dextertangocci
    Jul 24, 02:42 PM
    DAMN! I just bought the Apple BT mouse:o :( :rolleyes:

    anne hathaway top. Anne+hathaway+oscars+2011+
  • Anne+hathaway+oscars+2011+

  • hooch
    Oct 18, 04:36 PM
    Man, I wish I had enough money for Apple stock!

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway: See Through Top
  • Anne Hathaway: See Through Top

  • doctor-don
    Apr 24, 11:10 PM
    Not if they're grandfathered in! AT&T has stated in their proposal papers to the FCC that they're going to honor the T-Mobile plans in contract even if they upgrade phones.

    A T-Mobile rep told me the same thing. But he also said this process might take a year - IF it goes through.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway
  • Anne Hathaway

  • bobbytallant
    Apr 28, 04:00 PM
    I have both the white and black 32gb iPhone 4's next to me now. How anyone can say one feels immediately thicker than the other is beyond me lol.

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway: See Through Top
  • Anne Hathaway: See Through Top

  • Stanjara
    Apr 15, 01:26 PM
    I have installed 4.3.2 on 3gs and it is...nice...i mean the home screen animations are smoother.... don't have any issues with the battery.....everything is....nice
    4.3 was terrible...home screen icons and animations were jerky...some bugs with safari...e to 3g was long and sometimes resulting in network lost
    4.3.1 was a little bugs just slow animations

    P.s. if you have battery issues, it is not because of ios is from your settings because when you restore to your phone the settings are also the problem remains...try to kill ping with restrictions...also try to recreate your email accounts...push to off...notifications also off...

    Also try ipod settings eq off...and i have specified my carrier...its not automatic

    anne hathaway top. Anne Hathaway for any occasion
  • Anne Hathaway for any occasion

  • Inakto
    Sep 30, 09:25 PM
    Dropped calls is a feature of the iphone... enjoy ;)

    I live in toronto, canada, and here the service is great. We've had MMS since day 1 as well as tethering. Its all lightning fast. Basically no dropped calls and issues like that, but we do pay a small premium.

    anne hathaway top. Hopefully it is like Top Gear
  • Hopefully it is like Top Gear

  • Plutonius
    Apr 26, 04:26 PM
    I chose you, Plutonius, cause I liked the sound of your screen name. It reminds me of a Roman name. There is no mysterious protecting of someone else. On day one the voting is pretty much a crap shoot, and unfortunately, it looks like your number came up.

    Possibly but it looks like your vote was to protect either nies or eldiablojoe.

    May 4, 01:56 AM
    Dont worry release a white iphone and people will buy it instead :rolleyes:

    Apr 12, 09:01 AM
    Looks like ill be going to Android.

    Apr 22, 05:43 PM
    I have an iPod Touch and I find it difficult to hold on to the damn thing without a case. The thing might as well be a fish! A phone shaped like the illustration would be an ergonomic disaster, in my opinion.

    Oct 24, 09:06 AM
    triple: 20-30 dollar cost difference, probably less in quantity. It is just coming from apple not wanting to put a high res screen on the laptop for some reason, probably their misguided attempt at hitting a specific dpi count until resolution independance.

    May 1, 11:25 PM
    Watch the news on this right now ... they are talking about how huge Bin Laden is in Al-Queda ... he goes back to the beginning of it.

    if anything Ayman al-Zawahiri is a distant #2 leader

    Come on... you don't really believe that do you?

    It's just bravado and backslapping BS following a victory. Great that Bin Laden's out of the way - but Al Qaeda has mutated into a distributed concept - not a hierarchical force.

    A lot of the Al Qaeda myth was built by the US keen to find a 'bogeymen' anyhow.

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