Wednesday, May 11, 2011

iphone 4 white color

iphone 4 white color. iPhone 4G Gets a White Flavor
  • iPhone 4G Gets a White Flavor

  • mikechan1234
    Apr 20, 07:39 AM
    I hope they change the back of the phone. Prefer the 3G/3GS style :)

    iphone 4 white color. iphone 4 16gb for sale white
  • iphone 4 16gb for sale white

  • vincenz
    Apr 20, 08:56 AM
    Well, all the huge news outlets are saying the same thing, so it's most likely true. I won't be upgrading until the 6 then.

    iphone 4 white color. When the white iPhone 4 takes
  • When the white iPhone 4 takes

  • oscillatewildly
    Apr 10, 06:04 PM
    I get 61,835, but I'm beginning to think someone has mucked around with the keys on my calculator.


    iphone 4 white color. iphone 4 white color. the
  • iphone 4 white color. the

  • shaolindave
    May 4, 05:51 PM
    Thank you for making my point for me. Last time I checked you were the one making predictions that Lion was going to be handled in the store exactly like every other app.

    All I am saying is that there is no proof to point either way at the moment. But coming to a conclusion that Lion is going to be handled like every other app is like concluding that the iPhone SDK, when released, was going to be exactly like "web apps" were previously.

    i "predict" the next car i buy will have four wheels.

    i don't "predict" that Lion will be handled the same as every other App Store product, but there's reason to believe it will be, and that's a cause for concern.

    please stop putting words in my mouth.

    iphone 4 white color. Why does the white color on
  • Why does the white color on

  • Tsurisuto
    Apr 21, 02:32 PM
    Yes, but where is my Sandy Bridge Mac mini?!

    iphone 4 white color. Iphone 4 32gb for sale white
  • Iphone 4 32gb for sale white

  • itcheroni
    Apr 15, 06:25 PM
    Which "game"? Are you "trading and investing" in companies by purchasing shares in IPOs, or are you "trading and investing" on Wall St.? If it is the latter, then basically you are buying and selling ownership interests in companies, which has almost no affect on underlying companies.

    Won't higher capital gains reduce your "take home" earned from trading in the secondary market? If so, don't hedge funds and the like start investing in more risk taking?

    What do you think is/was the riskier investment? Investing in GE or investing in a start-up like Google? Innovation? I'm fairly certain buying 100 shares of GE from my broker didn't innovate a new lightbulb, but Google has innovated and expanded with the capital it received in its IPO. If you are trying to increase your rate of return over what you get from your GE shares, would you invest in AT&T or a little start-up called Chef John Smith, Inc. because you think he's an up and coming talent? One has a big upside, but also a lot of risk.

    If the goal is to increase rate of return of an investment portfolio, your only choices are to be better at picking good stocks, or to invest in risker investments. Wouldn't that lead to an influx of start-up capital, innovation, hiring, and economic growth?

    On the other hand, you can lower capital gains and encourage people to invest conservatively in the secondary market.

    Firstly, your perspective would change completely if you ever decide to invest or trade. I don't want hedge funds going for more risk. That is what contributed to the housing bust and mortgage backed securities. I am completely self taught as a trader and investor. In fact, I don't know a single other person who does what I do. And when I do meet someone who works in finance, they are usually just a cog, and I have nothing in common with them.

    Secondly, and more importantly, I don't think a person should have to give a good reason to be able to do anything. Unless you can prove that a person's actions causes harm to others, why attack it? Our legal system works that way; the burden of proof is always on the accuser not the accused. So, even if nothing "good" comes out of trading, one shouldn't have to make apologies for it. And if you were only able to invest in IPO's, who would you sell it to? Why invest in an IPO if you can never sell it?

    iphone 4 white color. iPhone 4 is available in white
  • iPhone 4 is available in white

  • G5Unit
    Aug 7, 01:52 PM
    Keep dreaming.

    Perhaps for a PowerBook G5?

    iphone 4 white color. The White color Apple Iphone
  • The White color Apple Iphone

  • daneoni
    Mar 30, 08:57 PM
    Can't say I've been excited by new OSes since Panther/Tiger. Yay it's more iOS-like and we get an app store.


    iphone 4 white color. hands on a white iPhone 4,
  • hands on a white iPhone 4,

  • jonharris200
    Aug 7, 03:30 PM
    on the Macrumors live feed Steve said new announcements coming in the week or next week. Any comments?
    Yeah, at 10.24am on the MRL feed, though it was slightly ambiguous. Engadget also picked up on this but gave more detail - it's new universal applications that are being announced this week:

    10:24AM - "We had a sixth major release that we don't get much credit for. Tiger on Intel. Porting an OS is is no easy task. And our software team did a great job. They made it look really easy which has enabled this amazing transition. 86 million lines of source code that was ported to run on an entirely new architecture with zero hiccups. Along the way, we created a way to run universal applications that run on PowerPC and Intel. I'm pleased to report that there are more than 3,000 universal applications and we at Apple would like to say, thank you, thank you guys. "You guys have done a phenomenal job and there are a lot more being announced at the developer conference this week."

    iphone 4 white color. Can#39;t wait for the iPhone 4
  • Can#39;t wait for the iPhone 4

  • Eidorian
    Aug 4, 11:39 AM
    How many people plan to dump their Core Duo Macs for Core 2 Duo Macs?I sold my iMac G5 back in June. :rolleyes:

    iphone 4 white color. Do you like the white color
  • Do you like the white color

  • wclyffe
    Dec 7, 06:22 AM
    Apple has changed their site now to say it would ship in 1-2 months.

    Yeah, that's pretty crazy now. It's clear whatever lead they had in time with the Magellan kit is now lost. It seems we'll get to compare them and then decide.

    iphone 4 white color. Buy iPhone 4 White color
  • Buy iPhone 4 White color

  • 42streetsdown
    May 6, 01:54 AM
    No.. They make mobile processors. Low power usage.
    If you read the article again, it ays the rumor is for laptops. Very doubtful apple will move the desktop line to an ARM processor as there is nothing that competes with the current tech.
    For laptops (specifically the air), the move may make sense. I don't see apple moving the whole macbook pro line to ARM. maybe the airs and the regular macbooks.

    It still wouldn't be worth the software fragmentation that would take place. Plus, Intel has continued to make their possessors more power efficient.

    iphone 4 white color. Iphone+4+white+color
  • Iphone+4+white+color

  • lilo777
    Apr 25, 11:35 AM
    AGPS and it helps with tower switching while actually using the phone. Android has the same type of file (and likely other phones before it) for the same reasons. The only difference is that Apple left out a time based truncation feature.

    Incorrect. It makes absolutely no sense to store ALL locations/WiFi data/timestamps indefinitely for what you described. The data should be processed and pruned to be used efficiently.

    iphone 4 white color. iPhone 4 White Color
  • iPhone 4 White Color

  • Xavier
    May 7, 11:36 AM
    As amazing as free MobileMe sounds, I find this HIGHLY unlikely.

    iphone 4 white color. Iphone 4 for sale white color
  • Iphone 4 for sale white color

  • tipp
    May 4, 04:10 PM
    I didn't read through all 5 previous pages, but it doesn't seem like anyone has mentioned this hidden restore partition that the Lion installer creates. This definitely lessens the need a bit for a bootable install disk/drive. Obviously, if your drive dies completely, you would need a way to do a full reinstall.

    iphone 4 white color. Wish you had a white iPhone 4?
  • Wish you had a white iPhone 4?

  • wovel
    Apr 7, 12:00 PM
    They can have my screen. It only bleeds on the edges. Still enough real estate for a seven inch model.

    Let's see a picture of you holding your iPad 2 demonstrating this :)

    I don't understand, Apple can't let RIM have 12 panels? When they sell off those 12 units, Apple can let them have 12 more.

    They need to make display models as well. They need 1012 to cover the display models and the 12 that will sell.

    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    Strategic planning does not make a monopoly, you appear to have no concept of what a monopoly actually is.

    So you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:

    They want Apple to fall, since no one can do it in the free market, they want government intervention. They might have a point if they were engaged in anti-competitive behaviors like Microsoft did. Like telling PC manufacturers all of theirs products had to come with only Windows pre-installed. Buying capacity that is not even sufficient to meet demand is in no way anti-competitive.

    I suspect THIS is why HP chose to use a 9.7" 4:3 display on their TouchPad tablet. When all of Asia is stamping out iPad screens it would be a lot easier for HP to acquire iPad panels, using the manufacturer's economies of scale, than to have them manufacture different panels alongside iPad panels.

    HP and Amazon are the only ones that have any hope of competing anyway. Everyone else would just be wasting Apple's panels.

    Unfortunately, most posters here think Apple always acts in the best interests of its customers. Kind of cute, actually.

    Corporations tend to act in the best interest of theirs owners. It is actually a requirement for corporate officers in public companies. Having said that, Apple is the most customer focused company in the mobile device market. Sales show this and so does every independent customer satisfaction survey performed in the past few years.
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPad 3 to be a small update like iPad 2? I wouldn't doubt it with the lack of competition.

    This is just silly. They mad a 9x leap in graphics performance in less then 12 months without a single credible competitor.

    iphone 4 white color. White iPhone 4 Delayed Due to
  • White iPhone 4 Delayed Due to

  • l008com
    Jul 29, 09:09 PM
    If apple could get one of the phone carriers to go with the free song plan, maybe one of the smaller ones like Alltel, they could single handedly turn Alltel into a major player. Alltel and Apple would both win. And it probably wouldn't be long before the crappy carriers decided to carry the "ipod phone" with free song loading anyway.

    I'm a big fan of the Motorola E815. Best for just talking, and great for doing more. Of course verizon disables most of the great features so you can pay verizon $5 a month for the same abilities the phone was already capable of.

    Alternately, Apple could do something really big like buy one of the companies like Alltel, or create some sort of major partnership where Apple has a say in the service, not just selling the phones. Apple could be the provider, and your phone could come with free (minus airtime) Safari Jr for web browsing any time :-) That would be fricken sweet.

    iphone 4 white color. iphone-4-white
  • iphone-4-white

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 29, 09:29 PM
    Up until about a year or so ago, Cingular used to have the worst network. And the Verizon network was mint. Great signal everywhere on earth and never lost a call. Now I have to try every call 4 times before it goes through. I'd rather see Apple buy up another carrier and own them. How much does a small cellular carrier cost to buy? :-)

    They wouldn't have to do that. You know ESPN Mobile, Boost Mobile, and AMP'd mobile? They are all "virtual" networks that lease bandwidth from other providers who actually have a physical network. These "virtual" wireless companies are called MVNOs. Apple could become an MVNO (and it has been rumored in the past that would do so), so that they could offer all the features they want, and ensure a consistent experience across the entire user base.

    iphone 4 white color. white color for iPhone 4
  • white color for iPhone 4

  • Watabou
    Apr 9, 08:13 PM
    Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):

    But you have to also follow it from left to right.

    Suppose subtraction precedes addition, like this: 4-5+6, then the answer would be 5 not -7.

    Similarly, in this case, division is first so you have to divide first.

    This is how I would solve the equation:


    = 48/2*12
    = 24 * 12
    = 288.


    Mar 30, 12:21 PM
    Just like how the iPad's price is sky high?

    Steve Jobs was quoted as saying recently that everytime they've priced for volume (i.e., priced low in the hopes of greater sales) they've seen success. When they haven't priced for volume, their success has been more attenuated. Now this was regarding media and the iTunes store, but there's no reason cloud services couldn't be the same, particularly given how competitive this sphere will be and the fact that there's no real marketing benefit to "premium" data pricing (as opposed to premium laptop/notebook pricing where higher prices can contribute to a perception of higher quality).

    I've been a MobileMe customer since iTools - I pay $5 per GB for a standard plan - and not that much of a discount for more. Amazon's price is is pretty much $1/GB if you buy more. Apple never really does price for volume - they will lower their prices (and have been across the board) but they never undercut their competition - the price is always a "gee that's a pretty good price for an Apple product" - almost never "that cheaper than a "Brand X"".

    MobileMe sales are driven by the hardware - and the new "required" .me address for some items will further drive MobileMe upsells. It will never be priced to compete with services such as Amazon's, it will be priced as the most seamless way to integrate your apple products - at a premium - at lease for online storage. Sure, there are free ways to do everything MobileMe does, but MobileMe is plug'n'play.

    And prices are actually going up for many cloud services - Mozy used to have unlimited backup space for home computers at around $5 a month per computer, but have gotten rid of that pricing model and are now no longer "unlimited" for home use.

    Don't panic
    May 3, 01:58 PM
    when the villain places monsters/traps, are they one per turn or any number per turn (provided that he has them)?

    can monster be moved to a different room by the villain after they are placed? can he reorganize them at every round? does it cost points? can traps be moved? are all traps the same (cost and damage)?

    if a villain needs to go through a room where he placed a trap, can he temporarily disable it?

    Apr 9, 07:15 PM
    Is this MacRumors or GoogleRumors?

    Do you really think the answer is 2? lol.

    Apr 18, 03:19 PM
    Finally. took apple long enough.

    Before I knew a lot about smartphones I used to think that the Samsung Galazy S was an iphone 3G. The industrial design looks just like the iphone.

    The grid of icons and the dock is also a copy.

    if the phone didn't say Samsung it would be a KIRF.

    The have the Big Mac, We've got the Big Mic. Their buns have seeds our buns have no Seeds. They have the golden arches, we've got the Golden Arcs.

    Bunch of copycats.

    Mar 29, 01:47 PM
    Highly debatable. More than likely working conditions would be far superior to what they are in China or Japan, and everyone knows happy employees are good employees.

    and with our working hours and attitude we'll have 5 finished iPods by the end of the day instead of 493840384038403840 :P

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